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A Complete Chess Course

How to play and win at chess: ....

224 Seiten, gebunden, Gambit, 1. Auflage 2015

16,95 €
Inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
This book is a comprehensive manual for those new to chess, which explains with great clarity the basics of the game. Using innovative methods, Gude ensures that readers quickly grasp each key concept before building on it by introducing new ideas.

This is an interactive course. With a total of 280 questions and exercises to tackle, the reader will quickly gain skills rather than mere knowledge. Gude strips the mystery away from tactics and combinations by looking first at the strengths and weaknesses of each piece in isolation, and then showing how they work together with each of the other pieces. He also presents guidelines on chess strategy that will help shape the reader’s understanding of chess, and a wide variety of patterns for the reader’s all-important ‘mental database’.

The section on openings explains the main aims of each major opening, and the style of game to which they tend of lead, together with some key variations. Later chapters provide examples of how to launch attacks, putting together the skills from earlier chapters, and deal with issues such as chess training, psychology and competitive chess at club and tournament level.

Antonio Gude is an extremely experienced chess writer and teacher from Spain. Several of his books on tactics and for beginners are long-standing best-sellers in Spanish language. Gude has also translated a great many books, including some of the classics of chess literature.
Weitere Informationen
EAN 9781910093641
Gewicht 580 g
Hersteller Gambit
Breite 17,5 cm
Höhe 25,4 cm
Medium Buch
Erscheinungsjahr 2015
Autor Antonio Gude
Sprache Englisch
Auflage 1
ISBN-13 978-1910093641
Seiten 224
Einband gebunden
Hersteller Informationen
Name Gambit Publications Ltd.
Adresse 27 Queens Pine, Bracknell
Berkshire RG12 OTL
Internet www.gambitbooks.com
E-Mail info@gambitbooks.com
005 Introduction
005 How to Study this Book
007 1 The Basic Rules of Chess
007 The Chessboard
007 The Forces in Play
007 Initial Position
008 Camps, Flanks and Edges
009 How the Pieces Move
013 Capturing
014 Check
016 Checkmate
017 Winning the Game
017 Notation
019 Questions
019 Exercises
022 Further Tips
023 2 Your First Chess Games
023 Castling
024 Material Values of the Pieces
025 Pawn Promotion
026 Stalemate
027 Perpetual Check
027 How Games are Drawn
028 Symbols
028 Early Checkmates
029 Questions
030 Exercises
032 Further Tips
033 3 Openings and Basic Principles
033 The Laws of Chess
033 The Centre
034 The Opening: Time, Development and Space
036 Classical Openings
037 Gambits
037 Classification of the Openings
038 Blunders and Traps in the Open Games
042 Basic Mates
047 Questions
048 Exercises
051 Further Tips
052 4 Putting Your Pieces to Work
052 Open Games
057 Contacts between Pieces
060 Pawn Endgames
062 Mate with Two Bishops
063 The Powers of the Pieces
070 Questions
071 Exercises
075 Further Tips
076 5 Strategy and Tactics
076 Strategy
077 Strategic Elements
077 Pawn-Structure
080 Tactics
081 Tandems
099 Mate with Bishop and Knight
101 Questions
101 Exercises
105 Further Tips
106 6 Endgame Play and Further Openings
106 Minor-Piece Endings
107 Rook and Pawn Endgames
109 Queen vs Pawn on the Seventh
110 Semi-Open Games
116 Traps and Tricks in the Semi-Open Games
119 Semi-Open Miniatures
123 Questions
123 Exercises
127 Further Tips
128 7 Combinations and Tactical Themes
128 Combinations
128 Fork and Double Attack
131 Pin
135 Discovered Attack
137 Removing the Guard
140 Interference
143 Deflection
146 X-Ray
148 Decoy
151 Self-Blocking
154 Clearance
157 Questions
158 Exercises
162 Further Tips
163 8 Attacking Play
163 Attacks against the Castled King
178 Attacks against the King in the Centre
184 Exchange Sacrifices
187 Questions
188 Exercises
193 Further Tips
194 9 Your First Opening Repertoire
194 The Principal Openings
194 Strategic Opening Fundamentals
198 How to Build an Opening Repertoire
203 Further Tips
204 10 Competitive Chess
204 Competitive Chess
207 Training Techniques
209 Final Tips
211 Answers to Questions
214 Solutions to the Exercises
222 Index of Players
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