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The Tarrasch Formula

One badly piece makes your whole position bad

244 Seiten, kartoniert, Chess Digest, 2003

14,95 €
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Dr. Siegbert Tarrasch was the first to formulate and express the rule that "If one piece is badly placed, your whole game is bad." The genius of this phrase lies in its simplicity as well as its correctness. Properly applied, it is a significant addition to Steinitz's theory. On the basis of this single axiom, various types of positions can be studied where the difference in force between the two sides is defined only by the difference in location between corresponding pieces. Applying the Tarrasch Formula in this way develops and builds chess theory by emphasizing the interrelationship between the location of a piece and its real power. Examine any modern textbook of chess strategy and you will see its lasting value. The Tarrasch Formula is a fundamental and unifying principle that embraces familiar core concepts such as "good/bad bishop," "advantage of opposite-colored bishops in an attack," "superiority of knight over bishop" (and vice versa), and so forth.
Playing steadily to reduce the power of a single enemy piece, to "turn down the volume" until its normal voice become only a whisper, can provide enough advantage to win the game. Why? Because it is functionally the same as winning a piece. Every chess player loves to have an extra piece. The Tarrasch Formula points the way toward having a virtual extra piece.
Thinking of strategy in this way is a very useful part of your chess planning. It offers a straightforward and effective method for improving your decision-making and move selection, as demonstrated in the games collected for this new book.
Weitere Informationen
EAN 9780875680002
Gewicht 350 g
Hersteller Chess Digest
Breite 15,2 cm
Höhe 22,8 cm
Medium Buch
Erscheinungsjahr 2003
Autor Sam PalatnikMark Ishee
Sprache Englisch
ISBN-10 0875680003
ISBN-13 978-0875680002
Seiten 244
Einband kartoniert
vii Foreword
Chapter One: The Knight
1. Infantry Against Cavalry (Marshall-Ragozin)
2. Opening of One Knight (Furman-Polugaevsky)
3. Virtual Extra Material (Keres-Unzicker)
4. A Good Man is Hard to Find (Rosenberg-Palatnik)
5. Throwing Oil on the Fire (A.Petrosian-Palatnik)
6. Gordian Knot (Palatnik-Klinger)
7. The Ugly Location (Murthy-Palatnik)
8. Shadow of a Knight (Kasparov-Palatnik)
9. Knight's Tour (Karpov-Taimanov)
Chapter Two: The Bishop
10. Open Highway (Balashov-Romanishin)
11. One-Way Ticket to Nowhere (Sprechich-Palatnik)
12. Criminal Brought to Justice (Palatnik-Aristorenas)
13. Moving the Fence (Palatnik-Gufeld)
14. APairofBoots(Gufeld-Palatnik)
15. Prisoner with a Life Sentence (Palatnik-Dandridge)
16. Inevitable Breakthrough (Palatnik-Schneider)
17. Dead Wood (Ishee-Boyd)
18. Premature Attack (Vaganian-Palatnik)
19. Struggling with God (Kasparov-Ponomariov)
20. From Bad to Worse (Palatnik-Shusterman)
21. The Great Wall of Pawns (Palatnik-Vasjukov)
22. Survival Instinct (Reshevsky-Vaganian)
Chapter Three: Opposite Color Bishops
23 "Q.E.D." (Durisch, Han & Hisler-Tarrasch)
24. Infiltration (Rubinstein-Spielman)
25. More Infiltration (Palatnik-David)
26. Different Color, Different Power (Kaidanov-Palatnik)
27. Echoes of Steinitz (Platonov-Geller)
28. Limiting Mobility (Boleslavsky-Sterner)
29. Battery Power (Larsen-Gligorich)
30. Mind Over Matter (Platonov-Tal)
31. A Gathering Storm (Gurevich-Palatnik)
Chapter Four: Heavy Pieces
32. Debt Repayment (Smyslov-Tolush)
33. Buried Alive (Sakharov-Palatnik)
34. Queenside Blockade (Anand-Ivanchuk)
35. Smothered Queen (Hort-Alburt)
36. Misplaced Queen (Ishee-Maynard)
37. Unbalanced Material (Diaz-Palatnik)
38. Preventive Maintenance (Ardaman-Palatnik)
Chapter Five: Zugzwang
39. The Immortal Zugzwang Game (Saemisch-Nimzovich)
40. Encirclement (Nimzowitsch-Capablanca)
41. Following Precedent (Tseshkovsky-Palatnik)
42. Chemotherapy (Capablanca-Treybal)
43. Space Advantage (Alekhine-Nimzowitsch)
44. Extreme Measures (Ubilava-Timoschenko)
45. Do Not Hurry! (Palatnik-Popov)
46. To Trade or Not? (Karpov-Ribli)
47. Decisive Improvement (Ishee-Guest589)
Chapter Six: Philidor's Defense Revisited
Philidor's Concept
Philidor's Original Defense
The Neo-Philidor Defense
The Palatnik Gambit
Illustrative Games:
48. Melvin-Palatnik
49. Ersham-Palatnik
50. Shiaf-Palatnik
51. Mirani-Palatnik
52. Liss-Palatnik
53. Palatnik-Meadows
54. Caveney-Palatnik
55. Andrews-Palatnik
56. Burnett-Palatnik
57. Wheeler-Palatnik
Chapter Seven: Opening Analysis, Neo-Philidor Defense
Palatnik Gambit
Queen Trade Variation