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Daily Chess Training: Chess Tactics - 3

Sharpen your tactical ability daily

356 Seiten, kartoniert, CarstenChess, 1. Auflage 2020

Aus der Reihe »Daily Chess Training«

21,95 €
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Are you ready to seriously improve your game?

It has been said that chess is 99% tactics but whether that is an accurate reflection is hard to tell.

In the present book, you will be challenged 404 times but unlike most tactics puzzle books you don't know what your objective is: do I need to find a mate, find an opportunity skewer or pin a piece, use a tactical turn to gain a positional advantage and how far do I need to calculate?

These questions are you are faced with when you play your own games and therefore this book tries to replicate this position. Your one dvantage over the players in the respective positions is that you know that there is supposed to be something in there for you to find.

The puzzles vary a lot in difficulty, some are relatively easy, so me are incredibly difficult, but most are somewhere in between. However, most of the puzzles are layered so that even when you think the answer is obvious, it is worth looking further because your idea may be the decoy left there for you to get distracted from the actual solution.

Working through the puzzles and then carefully play through the thoroughly annotated solutions will help you to up your tactical radar as weil as your calculation skills.
Weitere Informationen
EAN 9788793812161
Gewicht 580 g
Hersteller CarstenChess
Breite 15 cm
Höhe 22,8 cm
Medium Buch
Erscheinungsjahr 2020
Autor Carsten Hansen
Reihe Daily Chess Training
Auflage 1
ISBN-13 9788793812161
Seiten 356
Einband kartoniert
Hersteller Informationen
Name CarstenChess
Adresse 40 Kennedy Blvd, 407
Bayonne NJ 07002
E-Mail cahansen_64@yahoo.com
001 Foreword by GM Jonathan Tisdall
003 Author's Preface
004 How to work with this book
007 Chapter 1
059 Chapter 2
113 Chapter 3
168 Chapter 4
227 Chapter 5
273 Chapter 6
323 Chapter 7
336 Before You Go
349 Index of Players
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