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Improve Your Attacking Chess

250 puzzle positions to train ....

160 Seiten, kartoniert, Gambit

12,95 €
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Checkmating the enemy king is the ultimate goal in chess. In this book Simon Williams helps readers to practice and improve their skills in this vital area of practical chess. A mating attack typically involves a build-up of forces, followed by an opening of lines, often involving a sacrifice. Once the enemy king is exposed, it is either checkmated, or only saved at a great cost in material. The puzzles in this book are pertinent to all these phases, and involve questions of where to attack and what pieces to use.
Topics include:
· Attacking the king caught in the centre
· Central breakthrough
· Standard sacrifices against the castled king
· Chasing the king
· Endgame mates
· Combinative themes.
Full solutions are included

Chess is a strange and compelling game, a game that anyone can play, from any walk of life. Players' styles vary greatly, and this variety enriches chess, making it more attractive and colourful. These differing styles can range from the ultra-solid to the bizarrely wild, with most players floating about in the middle somewhere. But what is a better joy in chess than to watch a great attacking game where one tempo will change the outcome from lost to won? Attacking is at the soul of chess after all; let's remember that the aim of chess is to give checkmate! And how better to go about this than by attacking?
It seems that in modern-day chess most literature and database material are confined to the discussion of openings. Openings are certainly important, but they are not that important. There is no point in a player being able to get an advantage from the opening only to throw it away because he/she has no idea of what to do next. In my opinion it is more important to understand tactics and the power of positional strategies than to have a massive opening repertoire. The only way to improve tactical skills is by practising them. This book is aimed to sharpen up the reader's attacking skills through the use of exercises.
The puzzles in this book vary from the easy to the very difficult, with motifs ranging from common to bizarre. Chess-players of all standards should find something to interest and challenge them. By trying to solve these puzzles the reader will test his tactical skills and hopefully learn some new skills on the way. I have included in this book some of the most beautiful wins that I have witnessed. The reader can also try to guess the moves of great players such as Kasparov, Tal, Alekhine, Shirov, etc., which will certainly be challenging!
This book is divided into six chapters. These six chapters are all based around different aspects of attacking chess. I have arranged the puzzles so that they become progressively harder as the chapter develops. Of course this is rather a subjective matter but most readers will find the puzzles at the start of the chapter a lot easier than the puzzles towards the end. In most cases I have not given stipulations of the type 'checkmate in five moves' because in a real game it is rather unlikely that your opponent will be so generous as to tell you that you can win in 'x' moves. I have given clues to some of the puzzles and in many cases the first move is obvious; but in each puzzle it is important to analyse the chosen move as deeply as possible - ideally you should follow through until you see a win (or in some cases a draw). You may if you wish set up the position on a board if you find this helpful. In some chapters I have given a model game as a taster and some general themes that occur regularly within that given sphere.

Basic Ideas
I will now briefly summarize some important concepts to be borne in mind when attacking.
1) Attacking chess will normally involve tactics at some point. Tactics by their nature usually involve checks or captures. So the most important things to watch for are checks and captures - this is simple common sense really. If a player on every move starts by analysing all checks and captures that are available to him, he will be more aware of any tactics that the position offers. Checks and captures have a forcing nature so they tend to lead to variations that are forcing. By the process of elimination a player can decide whether a line is viable, or in many cases whether it wins the game or loses the game.
Rule 1: Always analyse checks and captures first.
2) Successful attacks do not start from thin air; they are successful for a reason. A successful attack works because of certain features in the position; for example, an exposed king, open h-file, active pieces, etc. These are factors for which a player should always be searching. Most successful attacks occur from the build-up of small positional advantages. There is no point in a lone white knight attacking a black king that is guarded by most of its army. A rule of thumb is that three pieces are normally needed for a successful attack, but of course there are exceptions to this. Three pieces attacking a poorly guarded king will normally triumph.
Rule 2: Only attack when there is a chance of success. This can depend upon a number of factors, the most obvious being when a player has more or better placed pieces than his opponent. In other words timing is crucial.
3) Calculation is the key. Good calculation will give good results. People calculate in different ways; if you are missing lots of tactics look at the way in which you are calculating. One simple way to calculate in a complicated position is to do the following. Take all the moves which are critical (maybe checks and captures) and analyse them one by one. You will either find a decent line (if the
position lets you!) or by elimination you will arrive at an 'only move'. Do not swap half way through calculating from one line to another.
Rule 3: When starting an attack, calculate the possible variations as deeply as possible.
Most of the above rules are common sense but it is amazing how often players, even top players, ignore these logical rules.

Weitere Informationen
EAN 9781904600091
Gewicht 220 g
Hersteller Gambit
Breite 14,4 cm
Höhe 21 cm
Medium Buch
Autor Simon Williams
Sprache Englisch
ISBN-10 1904600093
ISBN-13 9781904600091
Seiten 160
Einband kartoniert
004 Symbols
005 Introduction

008 Attacking the King Caught in the Centre
009 Solutions

030 Attacking the Castled King
044 Solutions

058 Strike in the Centre
069 Solutions

084 Time is Everything!
096 Solutions

107 Attacking on Opposite Sides
119 Solutions

134 Expect the Unexpected
146 Solutions

158 Index of Players

This is not a teaching manual, as one might think by reading the title, but yet another in the long line of chess puzzle books that have appeared in recent years. To be fair, it does say on the cover that the book contains "250 puzzle positions to train your kingskills", so you are left in no doubt as to the nature of the book.

The author has grouped the positions under six thematic headings, each comprising one chapter. The chapter headings are self-explanatory - Attacking the King Caught in the Centre, Attacking the Castled King, Strike in the Centre etc. Each chapter begins with a short explanation of the kind of ideas to look for in the puzzles, but it is the puzzles themselves that form the bulk of the book. Each position is accompanied by a brief description of the essentials of the position, and it is up to the reader to use his/her skill and imagination to find the winning continuation. Solutions are found at the end of each chapter.

I like books of this genre because they act as a constant reminder to me in my own games that if you look long and hard enough even the most innocuous positions often contain the seeds of a winning combination. It is just a pity that other people's games contain far more fertile seeds than my own!

Alan Sutton, "En Passant"
„Verbessern Sie Ihr Angriffs-Schach -250 Aufgabenstellungen zum Training Ihres Geschickes in der Königs-Jagd". Der junge englische IM Simon Williams gilt als kompromissloser Angriffsspieler und so nimmt es nicht wunder, dass er sein zweites Buch für den Gambit-Verlag (nach seinem Eröffnungswerk über Klassisches Holländisch) einem der attraktivsten Themen im großen Reiche Caissas gewidmet hat: dem opferfreudigen Mattangriff. In sechs Kapiteln nimmt er typische und auch ausgefallene Angriffswendungen unter die Lupe, indem er nach einer kurzen Einführung ins Thema dem Leser eine Reihe von Partiefragmenten (entnommen aus der Meisterpraxis des 20. Jahrhunderts) in Form von Aufgaben (mit jeweils kurzen Fragestellungen dazu) vorstellt, deren Schwierigkeitsgrad kontinuierlich zunimmt, Die Lösungen werden am Schluss jeden Kapitels dargeboten, mit erschöpfenden Analysen und zahlreichen zusätzlichen Stellungsdiagrammen angereichert, Dies sind seine Themen; 1) „Angriff auf den in der Mitte steckengebliebenen König" mit 38 Aufgaben S, 8-29); 2) „Rochade-Angriff" mit 50 Aufgaben (S, 8-29); 3) „Handstreich im Zentrum" mit 37 Aufgaben (S, 58-83); 4) „Zeit ist alles!" mit 37 Aufgaben (S, 84-106); 5) „Angriffe auf entgegengesetzten Flügeln" (bei heterogenen Rochaden) mit 43 Aufgaben (S. 107-133); 6) „Erwarte das unerwartete": Überraschende Einfälle und Manöver, mit 44 Aufgaben (S, 134-157).
Williams bietet dem Leser (Löser) eine breite Palette von Angriffswendungen, ein Kaleidoskop von Opfern und ein wahres Feuerwerk von Mattideen und Mattbildern, gleich ob jener die Aufgaben selbständig zu lösen versucht (was bei den schwierigeren Fällen ganz schön zeitaufwändig und schweißtreibend werden kann!), oder aber das Ganze einfach genussvoll nachspielt. In jedem Falle werden bestehende Denkmuster im taktischen Verständnis verstärkt und neue Engramme können bereichernd hinzutreten, zur Verbesserung des taktischen „Sehvermögens". Manche Spielpositionen können wohl klassisch genannt werden und dürften schon hinlänglich bekannt sein (z.B. Dr. Bernstein - Capablanca. Moskau 1914, Aufgabe Nr. 10 auf S. 137, Lösung S. 147, die meisten jedoch sind weniger populär und manche noch nahezu „tau frisch". Wer kein Englisch versteht, kann dennoch den schachlichen Inhalt des Buches mühelos nachvollziehen...

Dr. W. Schweizer, Rochade Europa 09/2004

Der junge englische IM Simon Williams, der bei Gambit schon das gelungene Werk "Play the Classical Dutch" herausgebracht hat, gilt als Verfechter wagemutigen Angriffsschachs. Folglich bewegt er sich in seinem neuen Buch auf vertrautem Terrain, denn darin geht es um die Frage, wie man sein Angriffsspiel verbessern kann.
In einer kurzen Einführung gibt Williams zunächst einige grundlegende Tipps, bevor er sich anschließend in sechs Kapiteln eingehend mit den verschiedenen Variationen eines Angriffs auseinandersetzt. Zunächst geht es um den Angriff auf den König im Zentrum.
Als Einstimmung kommentierte Williams hierzu die sehr anschauliche Partie Swidler - Barejew (Wijk aan Zee 2004), danach folgt der Übungsteil mit 38 Aufgaben. Diese steigern sich in ihrer Schwierigkeit von leicht bis recht anspruchsvoll, so dass man nicht selten einen Blick in den anschließenden, sehr ausführlichen Lösungsteil werfen muss.
Ähnlich geht es auch in den anderen Kapiteln über folgende Themen weiter:
Angriff auf den rochierten König, Schlag im Zentrum, "Zeit ist alles!", Angriff auf entgegengesetzten Flügeln, "Rechne mit dem Unerwarteten!".
Nach einem einführenden Beispiel erwartet den Leser stets eine Sammlung mit guten Übungsaufgaben, die abschließend ausführlich besprochen werden.
Insgesamt umfasst das Buch 250 dieser Übungen, wobei neben der Schwierigkeit auch die Auswahl in puncto Themen und Motive ein breites Spektrum abdeckt. Neben einigen Klassikern enthält das Buch auch angenehm viele aktuelle Beispiele.
Das Niveau der Aufgaben macht das schöne Buch vor allem für fortgeschrittene Anfänger empfehlenswert, die sich hier intensiv mit vielen wichtigen taktischen Themen und Motiven beschäftigen können.

Schachmarkt 04/2004