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Starting Out: Open Games

318 Seiten, kartoniert, Everyman, 1. Auflage 2010

Aus der Reihe »Starting Out«

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'Open Games' refer to a myriad of popular openings arising after 1 e4 e5: the Italian Game, the Scotch, the King's Gambit, the Evans Gambit, the Vienna Gam, the Bishop's Opening, the Four Knights, the Petroff, the Phildor and much more besides. In this book, Glenn Flear goes back to basics, introducing the key moves and ideas within these openings and taking care to explain the reasoning behind them - something that has often been neglected or taken for granted in other works. He places particular emphasis on the lines that players are most likely to face.
The Starting Out series has firmly established itself as the leading guide to studying openings for up-and-coming chess players. These books are ideal for enthusiasts who don't necessarily have extensive knowledge of the openings in question and who wish to appreciate the essential principles behind them.
An essential introduction to Open Games
Written by a renowned 1...e5 expert
Ideal for improvers, club players and tournament players
Glenn Flear is a well-known Grandmaster, an experienced chess trainer and a skilled writer who has many chess books to his name.
Weitere Informationen
Gewicht 510 g
Hersteller Everyman
Breite 15,2 cm
Höhe 22,8 cm
Medium Buch
Erscheinungsjahr 2010
Autor Glenn Flear
Reihe Starting Out
Sprache Englisch
Auflage 1
ISBN-13 9781857446302
Seiten 318
Einband kartoniert
Hersteller Informationen
Name Everyman (former Cadogan)
Adresse 10 Northburgh Street
London EC1V 0AT
E-Mail dcaddelman@yahoo.com
005 Bibliography
007 Introduction to 1 e4 e5
011 The Quiet Italian
035 Two Knights Defence
070 Evans Gambit and Giuoco Piano
099 Four Knights Game
123 Scotch Game
148 Central Gambits
166 King's Gambit
191 Vienna Game
215 Other White Systems
235 Black Avoids 2...Nc6 - Introduction
245 Philidor's Defence
267 Petroff's Defence
307 Index of Variations
316 Index of Complete Games
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