The Chess Review 1892 - 1893
184 Seiten, Leinen mit Goldprägung, Reprint, Caissa 90-Olomouc, 2006
"It is usually the custom, in presenting to the public the first number of a magazine, to give some reason for its production; in this case, however, I shall depart from the general rule, and confine myself to a few remarks on the lines on which I intend to conduct this journal.
While I wish it to be instructive to the student, I shall endeavour to make it entertaining and interesting to all classes of Chess and Whist players.
In the Chess Department, the games, problems, and end-games will be selected with the greatest care, and the two latter will be original and hitherto unpublished, unless otherwise stated.
A brief analysis of some opening will be given each month, not too deep to tire, yet long enough to be instructive and interesting.
Under the heading " Chess Bits " will appear many amusing and inteanecdotes in connection with chess and chess players.
"Club Life" will give interesting news about the principal chess clubs in Great Britain and Ireland; while foreign news will not be neglected.
"This and That" will consist of chess news in brief, not suitable for " Club Life."
In the Whist Department I intend to give the rules for the play of each card, with explanatory remarks.
A Descriptive Game, with notes, will be given each month.
Whist problems for solution will also be given, and the correct solution with list of correct solvers will be published in the succeeding number.
Questions, sent at any time, will be answered, if possible, the following month.
In view of its increased and increasing popularity, I shall include Solo Whist in this department, and give hints on the play generally.
If space permit, I may, from time to time, give particulars of other variations of whist, as played in other countries.
Although in the circulars I announced that the name of this journal would be "The Northern Magazine," I have since decided to call it the " Chess Review," so that the title may not, in the slightest degree, clash with that of any other chess publication.
Before concluding, I must offer my sincere and grateful thanks to those numerous kind friends who have so ably assisted me by valuable contributions, etc., to bring out the first number; I also thank them for their kind promises of future contributions.
The Editor."
"It is usually the custom, in presenting to the public the first number of a magazine, to give some reason for its production; in this case, however, I shall depart from the general rule, and confine myself to a few remarks on the lines on which I intend to conduct this journal.
While I wish it to be instructive to the student, I shall endeavour to make it entertaining and interesting to all classes of Chess and Whist players.
In the Chess Department, the games, problems, and end-games will be selected with the greatest care, and the two latter will be original and hitherto unpublished, unless otherwise stated.
A brief analysis of some opening will be given each month, not too deep to tire, yet long enough to be instructive and interesting.
Under the heading " Chess Bits " will appear many amusing and inteanecdotes in connection with chess and chess players.
"Club Life" will give interesting news about the principal chess clubs in Great Britain and Ireland; while foreign news will not be neglected.
"This and That" will consist of chess news in brief, not suitable for " Club Life."
In the Whist Department I intend to give the rules for the play of each card, with explanatory remarks.
A Descriptive Game, with notes, will be given each month.
Whist problems for solution will also be given, and the correct solution with list of correct solvers will be published in the succeeding number.
Questions, sent at any time, will be answered, if possible, the following month.
In view of its increased and increasing popularity, I shall include Solo Whist in this department, and give hints on the play generally.
If space permit, I may, from time to time, give particulars of other variations of whist, as played in other countries.
Although in the circulars I announced that the name of this journal would be "The Northern Magazine," I have since decided to call it the " Chess Review," so that the title may not, in the slightest degree, clash with that of any other chess publication.
Before concluding, I must offer my sincere and grateful thanks to those numerous kind friends who have so ably assisted me by valuable contributions, etc., to bring out the first number; I also thank them for their kind promises of future contributions.
The Editor."
EAN | 8071895687 |
Gewicht | 430 g |
Hersteller | Caissa 90-Olomouc |
Breite | 15 cm |
Höhe | 21,9 cm |
Medium | Buch |
Erscheinungsjahr | 2006 |
Sprache | Englisch |
ISBN-10 | 8071895687 |
ISBN-13 | 978-80-7189-568-8 |
Seiten | 184 |
Einband | Leinen mit Goldprägung |
Name | Chess Agency CAISSA 90 |
Adresse | Gorkeho 31 Olmouc 77900 Tschechien | |
The chess review 1892-1893 was a monthly journal for chess and whist (card game) but the card section is only a minor part of this highly interesting written chess magazine.
I found in this bound volume many amusing and interesting anecdotes in connection with chess and their players.
But there is also a lot of forgotten news as for example the match between the veteran master Mr.H.E.Bird (he was born in 1830) and Mr.G.C.Heywood,a strong amateur of Newcastle, was commenced on October 3rd at the rooms of the Art Gallery Chess Club New castle.The lessees of the Art Gallery,Messrs. Barkas and Sons, courteously threw open the building for the benefit of neighbouring clubs and visitors during the progress of the match.
The conditions were of a very friendly and informal character, no time limit or other stipulation being imposed. Probably this accounted to a great extent for the enjoyable nature of the encounter, which afforded as much pleasure to the players themselves as to the large number of members and visitors who attended and watched the games with unflagging interest.
The chess news is based on world wide chess news but it covers a lot information of the British scene.
Included through these reviews are a lot of challenging compositions as the exciting one from the chess legend Paul Morphy with mates in eight moves.
Pleasant to mention is this high quality print from Moravian chess where you have the idea of having a McFarland chess book in hand, the cover is not only beautiful but also the paper and prints!
Conclusion: A high quality reproduction!
With kind permission of the author John Elburg (
I found in this bound volume many amusing and interesting anecdotes in connection with chess and their players.
But there is also a lot of forgotten news as for example the match between the veteran master Mr.H.E.Bird (he was born in 1830) and Mr.G.C.Heywood,a strong amateur of Newcastle, was commenced on October 3rd at the rooms of the Art Gallery Chess Club New castle.The lessees of the Art Gallery,Messrs. Barkas and Sons, courteously threw open the building for the benefit of neighbouring clubs and visitors during the progress of the match.
The conditions were of a very friendly and informal character, no time limit or other stipulation being imposed. Probably this accounted to a great extent for the enjoyable nature of the encounter, which afforded as much pleasure to the players themselves as to the large number of members and visitors who attended and watched the games with unflagging interest.
The chess news is based on world wide chess news but it covers a lot information of the British scene.
Included through these reviews are a lot of challenging compositions as the exciting one from the chess legend Paul Morphy with mates in eight moves.
Pleasant to mention is this high quality print from Moravian chess where you have the idea of having a McFarland chess book in hand, the cover is not only beautiful but also the paper and prints!
Conclusion: A high quality reproduction!
With kind permission of the author John Elburg (
Der Band enthält die ersten fünf Hefte dieses Magazins, September und Oktober 1892 sowie Februar, März und April 1893. Ob es weitere Hefte gab, ist mir allerdings unbeÜber den Herausgeber Miniakonnte ich nur das Geburtsjahr 1863 herausfinden, weiter dass er in Manchester 1890 ein Match gegen Emanuel Lasker mit 1:4 (+0=2-3) verlor sowie 1893 die Goldmedaille beim Championship Tournament des Manchester Chess Club mit 7,5 aus 8 gewann, also zumindest eine lokaSchachgröße war.
Bei einem Umfang von 30-40 Seiten pro Heft behandelten 3-4 Seiten das Whistspiel, der Löwenanteil gehörte aber dem Schach. Inhaltliche Schwerpunkte sind die 36 meist kommentierten Partien sowie 18 Endspiele, vor allem die 62 Proble(die Qualität der Diagramme ist hier übrigens weitgehend gut) und dann die Berichterstattung über looder internationale SchacherZu ersteren gehören z.B. Mannschaftskämpfe wie die der Lancashire Chess League Association oder etwa der 120-Bretterkampf (!) zwischen dem Metropolitan Chess Club und dem Ludgate Circus Chess Club und zu letzteren z.B. Dresden 1892 [Sieger Tarrasch (12,0) vor Makovetz und Poprges (je 10,5)]. Eine wilde Lasker-Partie (S.45), die ich jedenfalls in den mir vorliegenden Laskerbänden nicht finden konnte, will ich ihnen nicht vorenthalten:
Dr. J.W. Hunt - Emanuel Lasker, London 1892:
1. e4 e5 2.Sf3 Sc6 3.Lc4 Sf6 4. d4 ed4: 5. 0-0 d6 6.Sd4: Le7 7. Sc3 0-0 8.Kh1 Sg4 Miniati emp8...Sd4: nebst Le6. Schwarz spielt in der Folge sehr risikoreich. 9.Sd5 Lf6 10. Sb5 10.c3 Se5 11.Sbc7: Sc4: 12.Sa8: Le5 13.g3 13.f4 Dh4 f5 14.f4 fe4: 15.fe5: Tf2 16.Kg1 e3 17.Tf2: ef2:+ 18.Kg2 Lf5 19.Sf6+ Will den Angriff abschwächen. Schwarz droht ja Le4+. gf6: 20.Dd5+ Kh1 21.Dc4: Da8: 22.Dd5 De8 23.h3 Dg6 24.Kf1 Le4 25.Dc4 25.Dd6:? Lg2+ 26.Kg2: De4+ Sh2+ 26.Kf2: Df5+ 27.Lf4 fe5: 28.Dc7 ef4: 29.Dd8+ Kg7 30.De7+ Kg6 31.Dd6:+ Kf7 32.Df4: remis.
Insgesamt haben diese paar Hefte natürlich einen geringeren und oft mehr lokaleren Inhalt als „The Field", allerdings sind viele Notizen eben auch weit weniger bekannt und somit neu zu entdecken!
Helmut Riedl, Rochade Europa 2/2007
Bei einem Umfang von 30-40 Seiten pro Heft behandelten 3-4 Seiten das Whistspiel, der Löwenanteil gehörte aber dem Schach. Inhaltliche Schwerpunkte sind die 36 meist kommentierten Partien sowie 18 Endspiele, vor allem die 62 Proble(die Qualität der Diagramme ist hier übrigens weitgehend gut) und dann die Berichterstattung über looder internationale SchacherZu ersteren gehören z.B. Mannschaftskämpfe wie die der Lancashire Chess League Association oder etwa der 120-Bretterkampf (!) zwischen dem Metropolitan Chess Club und dem Ludgate Circus Chess Club und zu letzteren z.B. Dresden 1892 [Sieger Tarrasch (12,0) vor Makovetz und Poprges (je 10,5)]. Eine wilde Lasker-Partie (S.45), die ich jedenfalls in den mir vorliegenden Laskerbänden nicht finden konnte, will ich ihnen nicht vorenthalten:
Dr. J.W. Hunt - Emanuel Lasker, London 1892:
1. e4 e5 2.Sf3 Sc6 3.Lc4 Sf6 4. d4 ed4: 5. 0-0 d6 6.Sd4: Le7 7. Sc3 0-0 8.Kh1 Sg4 Miniati emp8...Sd4: nebst Le6. Schwarz spielt in der Folge sehr risikoreich. 9.Sd5 Lf6 10. Sb5 10.c3 Se5 11.Sbc7: Sc4: 12.Sa8: Le5 13.g3 13.f4 Dh4 f5 14.f4 fe4: 15.fe5: Tf2 16.Kg1 e3 17.Tf2: ef2:+ 18.Kg2 Lf5 19.Sf6+ Will den Angriff abschwächen. Schwarz droht ja Le4+. gf6: 20.Dd5+ Kh1 21.Dc4: Da8: 22.Dd5 De8 23.h3 Dg6 24.Kf1 Le4 25.Dc4 25.Dd6:? Lg2+ 26.Kg2: De4+ Sh2+ 26.Kf2: Df5+ 27.Lf4 fe5: 28.Dc7 ef4: 29.Dd8+ Kg7 30.De7+ Kg6 31.Dd6:+ Kf7 32.Df4: remis.
Insgesamt haben diese paar Hefte natürlich einen geringeren und oft mehr lokaleren Inhalt als „The Field", allerdings sind viele Notizen eben auch weit weniger bekannt und somit neu zu entdecken!
Helmut Riedl, Rochade Europa 2/2007
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