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1.d4 Repertoire for White (RL 35)

DVD-box, ChessDVDs, 2005

From the series »Roman's Lab«

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Spielzeit: über vier Stunden!

playing time: over four hours!

More Information
Weight 100 g
Manufacturer ChessDVDs
Medium Download, DVD
Year of Publication 2005
Author Roman Dzindzichashvili
Series Roman's Lab
Language English
Binding DVD-box
Hersteller Informationen
Adresse 2363 Oak Tree Lane
West Palm Beach

5 Lessons on one DVD:

Blunting the D4 Dagger (60 minutes)

Romans original repertoire against D4 systems such as the Trompowsky, the London, the Torre and the Colle.

Butchering the Gruenfeld (45 minutes)

Meeting the Gruenfeld with a king-side fianchetto (g2-g3, followed by Bfl-g2) or playing systems involving Bc1-g5 or Bc1-f4.

Queen's Gambit Guillotined (49 minutes)

Play the White side of the Queen's Gambit. With focus on the Exchange Variation and Roman recommendations for meeting the Tarrasch Defense.

Queen's Indian Massacred (51 minutes)

Play the White side of Queen's Indian Defense with the move 4.Bg5. and lines to meet the Bogo Indian Defense with (4.Bd2), and Benoni Defense(3...c5).

The King's Indian Assassination (49 minutes)

Meeting the King's Indian Defense based on a development scheme with Bc1-f4 followed by e2-e3.

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