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Play the Budapest Gambit

384 pages, paperback, Everyman, 1. edition 2021

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The Budapest Gambit 1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 e5) is an aggressive, dynamic approach for meeting 1 d4 and is a great line for throwing opponents onto their own resources. It is certainly double-edged as Black moves the same piece twice early on and also sacrifices a pawn. This pawn is often quickly regained but one of the great advantages of the Budapest is that if White tries to hang on to the pawn (and many players do) Black can quickly whip up a ferocious attack. A great number of materialistic but unprepared White players have found themselves swiftly demolished by Black’s tremendously active pieces. When White is more circumspect and allows Black to regain the pawn, play proceeds along more sedate strategic lines where Black enjoys free and easy development.

Experienced chess author and coach Andrew Martin examines all key variations of the Budapest. There is an emphasis on typical middlegame structures and the important plans and manoeuvres are demonstrated in numerous instructive games.

·Includes complete repertoires for Black with both 3...Ng4 and 3...Ne4
·Comprehensive coverage featuring several new ideas
·Take your opponents out of their comfort zone!

International Master Andrew Martin is a FIDE Senior Trainer. He is the current head of the English Chess Federation Academy, which provides elite training for strong, young players. He teaches in twelve schools and is well known as a chess writer and commentator.
More Information
EAN 9781781945889
Weight 650 g
Manufacturer Everyman
Width 17 cm
Height 24 cm
Medium Book
Year of Publication 2021
Author Andrew Martin
Language English
Edition 1
ISBN-13 9781781945889
Pages 384
Binding paperback
Hersteller Informationen
Name Everyman (former Cadogan)
Adresse 10 Northburgh Street
London EC1V 0AT
003 About the Author
005 Bibliography
007 Preface
The Budapest Gambit
009 1) A Budapest Timeline
076 2) Key Strategic Ideas after 3...Ng4
113 3) The Rubinstein Variation: 4 Bf4
159 4) Safe and Sound: 4 Nf3
206 5) The Aggressive 4 e4
226 6) The Dark Horse: 4 e3
240 7) Budapest Oddities
251 8) The Budapest Gambit Declined
The Fajarowicz Gambit
259 9) Key Strategic Ideas after 3...Ne4
298 10) The Natural 4 Nf3
314 11) The Acid Test: 4 a3
340 12) An Independent Line: 4 Nd2 Bc5
347 13) Early White Queen Moves
363 14) Other Fourth Moves
371 Afterword
372 Index of Variations
379 Index of Complete Games
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