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Secrets of practical chess

255 pages, paperback, Gambit, 2. edition 2007, first edition 1998

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What is the best way to improve your chess results? Memorising an opening encyclopaedia, learning endgame theory, solving puzzle positions ... there must be an easier way. How about making the most of your existing talent?
In this book, John Nunn helps you to do precisely that. Drawing upon more than three decades of experience, he provides advice that will help players of all standards, playing styles and temperaments to achieve improved results. His methods take into account psychological factors and are firmly based on good common sense and the objectivity that ha made John Nunn one of the world's favourite writers in chess.
Topics include:
·Defending difficult positions
·How to study the openings
·How to make decisions
·Avoiding common mistakes
·When to calculate
· Avoiding time-trouble
·Using chess books
·Making the most of computers


This book is aimed at players who are primarily interested in improving their results. If you are prepared to lose nine games in order to score one brilliant victory, then it is probably not for you. However, most players are motivated at least partly by over-the-board success - the thrill of winning is one of the attractions of chess, and most players feel very satisfied when their rating improves.
The level at which one plays is governed by a number of vague and poorly understood factors. The first is what one might term 'natural talent'. By this I mean that combination of factors which sets an upper bound to the level one can achieve by training and practice. One cannot list precisely which factors are relebut one may divide the possible factors into two classes. The first class consists of non-chess-specific elements such as general intelligence and memory. The second class involves a mesh of interrelated chess factors such as the age at which one learnt the game, early chess education and so on.
By the time anyone gets around to reading this book, the 'natural talent' factor will probably be immutable, which brings us to other factors which are more under one's control. These determine how closely one approaches the ceiling imposed by one's 'natural talent'. It is my belief that most players never get anywhere near their natural ceiling, and that considerable improvement is possiwith appropriate education, training and practice. Most chess books aim to help readers improve their chess. An opening book, for example, will give genplans and concrete analysis, both to help the reader prepare his chosen openings and, after a game, to compare the course of the game with established theory. Clearly, concrete knowledge is an important factor in establishing chess strength; someone who has a detailed knowledge of rook and pawn endings will have an advantage over someone who does not. An assiduous program of self-training is bound to have a positive effect. In 1977, Jon Tisdall explained to me his plan for becoming a grandmaster. He had estimated how many hours of study were required to advance by one rating point. Multiplying this by the difference between his current rating and the grandmaster level gave the total number of hours of study required. I laughed, and pointed out that with each advance, the number of hours required to gain the next point would probably increase, and so he might never make it. However, his plan proved justified, because in 1995 he did indeed gain the grandmaster title.
There are few players who can conduct a training program stretching over decades, and indeed time limitations apply to virtually all players. In practice this restricts the amount of improvement possible on the 'chess knowledge' front. In this book I will give advice on how to use the time available for chess study most efficiently, for example by distinguishing essential knowledge from optional knowledge, and advising on the construction of an opening repertoire.
The third factor, which is the main focus of this book, is the efficiency with which one applies the first two factors while actually sitting at the board. A detailed knowledge of rook and pawn endings won't help a bit if one has an attack of blind panic; an encyclopaedic memory is valueless if one is regularly seized by an uncontrollable impulse to sacrifice a piece unsoundly. Chaotic and muddled calculation; misjudgements; oversights; lack of confidence (or overconfidence!); lack of determination - these and many other negative influences all serve to whittle away one's playing strength. Such problems are not at all easy to solve, firstly because players very often do not realize what they are doing wrong and secondly because they imagine that there is nothing they can do to improve matters.
This book includes a description of various common failings at the board. I think that many readers will reach a particular section and suddenly think "Yes, that's exactly the mistake I always make." Recognizing the problem is already the first step towards solving it. An awareness of when one is most likely to go wrong enables one to take special care in these 'danger situations'. Eventually, by concentrating on a particular weakness, it is often possible to eradicate it completely.
Since many of the matters dealt with in this book are psychological in nature, there will be quite a few examples from my own games - I can personally testify that muddled thinking occurs at grandmaster level! Where I have covered a fatopic, I have made an effort to replace, whenever possible, the standard time-worn examples with excerpts from contemporary play.
Of course, this book, while containing much useful advice and information, cannot hope to go into detail about every aspect of the game. My aim has been merely to start the reader along the upward path of self-improvement. I hope that Secrets of Practical Chess will help readers to improve their results and produce more satisfying games.

The original edition of Secrets ofPractical Chess was published in 1998. Several years passed, during which time the book was a considerable success. How-ever, the section on Computer chess gradually became dated and so I thought it was time to revise and expand this chapter. The influence of computers on chess has increased enormously and they can now be used for preparation, analysis and training to an extent inconceivable in 1998. My treatment of this subject is strictly focused on how computers can help the over-the-board player, with particular attention being paid to the area of opening preparation. I have ignored the use of computers in correspondence play (legal under international correspondence chess rules) since this has already been covered in considerable detail in Modern Chess Analysis by Robin Smith (Gambit, 2004). Two concrete examples of computer-assisted opening preparation show how the ideas developed in this chapter can be applied in practice.
A second new chapter deals with chess literature. Many players buy chess books in the hope of improving their play. This chapter gives advice on what to look for in a chess book and how to use chess books. Two sample book reviews give examples of the typical good and bad points one may find in chess books. The chapter concludes with a list of recommended reading.

John Nunn
Chertsey, December 2006
More Information
EAN 9781904600701
Weight 365 g
Manufacturer Gambit
Width 14.5 cm
Height 20.9 cm
Medium Book
Year of Publication 2007
Author John Nunn
Language English
Edition 2
ISBN-10 1904600700
ISBN-13 9781904600701
Year of First Edition 1998
Pages 255
Binding paperback
005 Introduction
008 1 At the Board
008 Decision-making
008 The Tree of Analysis revisited
015 Evaluation functions
019 When to analyse
022 DAUT
027 Safety-nets
029 When the tactics have to work
031 Implicit commitments
035 Positional thinking
045 The method of comparison
047 Making your opponent think
050 Oversights and blunders
052 Warning signals
056 'Hard-to-see' moves
060 Time-trouble
063 Laziness
064 Determination
068 2 The Opening
068 Building a repertoire
070 Using opening books
071 Books on offbeat openings
083 3 The Middlegame
083 Good positions
089 Bad positions
099 Attack
099 'Inviting everyone to the party'
104 Over-sacrificing
106 Defence
113 4 The Endgame
113 King and Pawn endings
113 Opposition
118 The Réti manoeuvre
119 Triangulation
121 Expect the unexpected
123 Chess is more than counting
125 Rook endings
126 Rook and Pawn vs Rook
129 The extra Pawn
136 Positional advantage
139 Minor-piece endings
140 Knight endings
142 Bishop vs Knight endings
144 Bishop endings
148 Queen endings
148 Queen and Pawn vs Queen
153 The extra Pawn
156 Common endings without Pawns
156 Rook vs minor piece
159 Rook and minor piece vs Rook
165 Quick-play finishes
167 5 Using a Computer
169 Game databases
184 Playing engines
192 Limitations of Computer analysis
196 Case study 1: Poisoned Pawn
209 Case study 2: Rossolimo Sicilian with 3...g6
218 Online chess
220 6 Chess Literature
220 Choosing a book
222 Mistakes
244 Book review 1: Rapid Chess Improvement by Michael de la Maza
246 Book review 2: Basic Chess Endings by Reuben Fine
250 Recommended reading
253 Index of Names
255 Index of Openings
Jeder kennt die Fehlkäufe: Schachbücher, bei denen wir uns nach fünf Jahren nur noch an die Farbe des Einbandes erinnern. Manche wanderten schon nach einer halben Stunde Lesen für immer ins Regal. Um so interessansind die Dauerbrenner: Bücher mit Ideen, die den Leser nicht mehr loslassen.
Das hier ist die erweiterte Neuauflaso eines Buches. Vor Jahren kaufich die deutsche Ausgabe (Schachgeheimnisse; Olms 1998). Seither gehen mir einige von GroßJohn Nunns Weisheiten und Daumenregeln nicht mehr aus dem Kopf, zum Beispiel das komische Kürzel „LPDO". Hier die Anekdote von Nunn und warum es sich lohnt, vor jedem Zug an LPDO zu denken - zugleich eine Textprobe zum Stil des Autors (ins Deutsche übersetzt):
Ich spielte einmal 100 Partien gegen Mike Cook mit 10 Minuten (für ihn) gegen 5 Minuten (für mich). Zu der Zeit hatte Mike etwa 2300. Nach der Hälfte des Wettkampfes (den ich schließlich 88:12 gewann) erklärte er mir seine Unzufriedenheit: „Ich dachte, ich würde viele fortgeschritstrategische Konzepte sehen. Aber alles was ich gelernt habe ist LPDO." „LPDO?" „Loose Pieces Drop Off!" (Ungedeckte Figuren verschwinden vom Brett).
Während der übrigen Partien verich, was er meinte. Die meisPartien wurden durch relativ einfache taktische Schläge entschieunter Beteiligung ungedeckter Figuren, wobei die ungedeckten Fivorschriftsmäßig vom Brett verschwanden. Nun denke ich jedeswenn ich eine solche Kombinasehe (sie kommen ziemlich häuvor): „LPDO".
John Nunn wendet sich mit dem Taan ehrgeizige VereinsPraxisbezogen werden sechs Themen behandelt:
At the Board
The Opening
The Middlegame
The Endgame
Using a Computer
Chess Literature
Der Autor beginnt mit dem Denken und Verhalten „am Brett". Neben Merkkürzeln wie LPDO und DAUT („Don't Analyse Unnecessary Tactics!") bespricht Nunn heikle Punkte wie den Entscheidungsbaum und die Zeitnot. Was sollten wir über Bequemlichkeit und Entschlosam Brett wissen? Was nützt seine Vergleichsmethode bei der Zugwahl? Lehrreich sind auch die Gedanken über „Warnsignale" und „schwer zu sehende Züge". Alle Überlegungen werden an Diagramund Partieausschnitten veranWie immer bei Nunn wird im persönlichen Ton kommengelegentlich mit einer Prise Ironie.
Im Kapitel The Opening erläutert der Autor, wie der Leser sich ein Eröfmungsrepertoire zusammenstelkann, was gute von schlechten Eröffnungsbüchern unterscheidet und warum er ausgefallenen Eröffmißtraut. Dem Leser zur Warnung wird GM Tony Kostens The Latvian Gambit am Beispiel eiSchlüsselvarianten chiruräzise zerlegt. Und weil Nunn auch von „Gewinnen mit..."-Büchern nichts hält, fleddert er das Italienisch-Buch von GM Andrew Soltis gleich mit. (Hinten im Buch setzt es weitere Verrisse, dazu späIm Kapitel The Middlegame (30 S.) geht es um gute und schlechte Positionen, Angriff und Verteidi
Vergleichsweise viel Raum im Buch nimmt das Endspiel ein, gegliedert nach Figurenthemen. Besonders Endspiele mit Bauern und Türmen sind Nunn wichtig: Die Fähigkeit, Turmendspiele zu beherrschen, stellt ein großes Unterzwischen Meisund Klubspielern dar. In Simultanveranstaltungen ist es bemerwie die Amateure routineäßig völlig ausgeglichene Turmendspiele verlieren und wie leicht die Meister es schaffen, aus verloreTurmendspielen mit einem Redavonzukommen. [...] tatsächist dies eines der Gebiete, auf denen einige Trainingsstunden reiDividende bringen können. (S. 125).
Zu den häufigsten Endspielen im Turnierschach gehören Turmendmit Mehrbauer bei fast symStellung. John Nunn: Die Fähigkeit, Stellunwie diese zu gewinnen, stellt eiGrundvoraussetzung für erfolg' reiches Schach dar.
Der Autor erläutert den Gewinnplan für solche Stellungen im Test gegen Fritz 5 und anhand zweier klassiPartien. Das Endspielkapitel ist so etwas wie ein 52-seitiger Spickzettel zur schnellen Wiederhodes Allerwichtigsten, ein kleiMeisterstück!
Soweit deckt sich der Inhalt der neuAuflage 2007 mit der englischen und deutschen Ausgabe von 1998, Wer eines dieser beiden Bücher hat wird kritisch prüfen, ob die folgen86 Seiten den Kauf der erweiterNeuauflage lohnen. Was kam jetzt dazu? Stark vergrößert wurde das Kapitel 5 (Using a Computer; 53 S.). Nunn erklärt in Einzelheiten und an Abbildungen, wozu Datenbanken gut sind und wie man sich damit auf den Gegner vorDas macht er Schritt für Schritt am Beispiel von ChessBase 9, andere Programme ignoriert er. Streckenweise liest sich das Kapitel wie eine CB-Werbung; Schwächen und Mängel des Programms werden aber auch angesprochen. Zur Stellungs- und Partieanalyse braucht der PC-Nutzer Engines (Motoren) wie Rybka, Shredder oder Fritz. Wie werden sie optimal eingesetzt? Wann ist ihnen zu trauen und wann nicht? Dr. Nunn ist Mathematiker. Erfahren im Umgang mit Compunutzt er Engines nicht nur zur taktischen Analyse sondern auch zur Eröffnungsvorbereitung. Wie das gemacht wird zeigt er ausführlich an der Bauernraub-Variante im Najdorf-Sizilianer (8..Dxb2) und am Rossolimo-Angriff mit 3..g6 (Siz.).
Das Schlußkapitel Chess Literature ist ganz neu, hier dreht sich alles um Schachbücher. Worauf soll der Leser achten beim Kauf, was ist von Rezu halten? Was untergute von schlechten Büund wie steht es um die schachlichen Fehler darin? Der AuNunn ist zugleich schachlicher Leiter beim Verlag Gambit. Er wunsich, dass noch immer Bücher produziert werden, deren Varianten und Kommentare nicht mit einem PC geprüft wurden. Leider trifft das nach meiner Beobachtung auch auf Gambit-Bücher der letzten Quartale zu. Beendet wird das Literaturmit zwei beißend scharfen Rezensionen. Auf den Tadel folgt das Lob, zum Schluß gibt Nunn dem Leser eine Liste von 22 Buchmit auf den Weg (da6 aus dem eigenen Haus).
In der Summe ist das Taschenbuch ist ein klug zusammengestellter Leitfaden für aufstrebende Vereinsspieler mit einem kleinen, feinen Endspiel-Crashkurs. Mit Tipps zur schachlichen Weiterbildung, zur Vorbereitung auf die Partie, zum Denken und Handeln am Brett und zur häuslichen Analyse am PC. Ein Buch, an das sich der Leser auch nach fünf Jahren erinnern wird. Es sollte ins Deutsche übertragen werden.

Mit freundlicher Genehmigung
Dr. Erik Rausch, Rochade Europa 6/2007
A brand new updated and expanded edition from 'Secrets of practical chess' from John Nunn which had gone from 176 to 255 pages and that is 45% more chess material than as the first edition which was published a small nine years ago.
Some chapters from the first edition still stand as for the one on offbeat openings, where Nunn discusses in great detail the Latvian Gambit.
Tony Kosten gave later some improvements in his book 'The Latvian Gambit lives' from 2001 but unfortunately for the Latvian Gambit lovers John Nunn does not react here in 'Secrets of practical chess' on Kosten’s improvements.
But there are again some fine new and heavy expanded chapters in this book as using a computer, and the use of chess literature,interesting to mention is that Nunn has ignored the use of computers in correspondence chess but strange enough still legal under international correspondence chess rules.
Personally I found a lot of useful information in this book with the use of chess engines and the limitations of these tools.
Nunn writes: 'One sometimes sees specially constructed artificial positions in which computers ludicrously fail to find the correct move, but it is important to realize that computers can also go awry in quite ordinary positions.'
Nunn also suggests: 'If you want to analyse a position with the computer, but leaving an engine on long time doesn’t give you a clear evaluation of the position even with Deep position analyses, it may help to have an engine tournament.
Interesting to mention is the use from latest chess engines as Rybka but Nunn is no big fan from Chess Assistant he prefers ChessBase.
All fans of the Poisoned pawn variation of the Najdorf defence will certainly appreciate Nunn’s computer study from twelve pages on this subject!
The main line of his starting point arises after: 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6 6.Bg5 e6 7.f4 Qb6 8.Qd2 Qxb2 9.Rb1 Qa3 10.f5 Nc6 11.fxe6 fxe6 12.Nxc6 bxc6 13.e5 dxe5 14.Bxf6 gxf6 15.Ne4 Be7 16.Be2 where all roads seems to lead to a draw.
But if black goes wrong he can get a bad or even lost position with remarkable speed (Nunn)
In chess literature there are two interesting chess book reviews: 'Rapid Chess improvement' by Michael de la Maza and 'Basic chess endings' from Reuben Fine.
I loved the recommended reading section but was surprised that there were no books from Nimzowitsch on Nunn’s favourite chess list but of course it is a personal selection of Nunn.
Conclusion: A very instructive learning book on modern chess!
With kind permission of the author John Elburg (