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Derrota a la Siciliana con el Gambito Morra

CD/DVD-Box, ChessBase, 2018

Aus der Reihe »Fritz Trainer Aperturas«

29,90 €
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The Smith-Morra Gambit (1.e4 c5 2.d4!) is a great attacking weapon against the popular Sicilian Defence. On move two White sacrifices a pawn for fast development and good attacking chances, and Black can easily fall into one of the many devious opening traps. With this gambit in your opening arsenal you are highly unpredictable and able to deal heavy blows at short notice. Your opponent will have to solve concrete problems from the beginning and can easily be under pressure before move ten! In this 4+ hour DVD International Master Michael Rahal uses model attacking games to illustrate the main ideas behind White’s aggressive approach. With more than 25 years of teaching experience, he keeps the lines you have to memorize to a minimum and instead focuses on general ideas, concepts and attacking patterns. Covering Black’s blacks most important replies, setups and sidelines, the DVD also features a test-yourself quiz and a database with additional material. The Smith-Morra is a great way to have fun on the board and play exciting chess!

Video running time:
·4 hours 5 min. (English)
·With interactive training
·including video feedback
·Database with more than 50 instructive model games

Born in England in 1970, Michael Rahal is an International Master and a FIDE trainer. Currently living in Barcelona (Spain), Michael is fluent in English and Spanish and has been coaching chess players of all ages and levels for more than 25 years. More recently he has developed his career as a chess broadcaster, covering both online and on-site many top events on Playchess and the ICC, including a leg of the recent FIDE Grand Prix. You can also follow him on Youtube where more than 10.000 subscribers enjoy his instructive chess videos.

·Dual Core
·Windows 7 or 8.1
·graphics card with 256 MB RAM
·DVD-ROM drive
·Windows Media Player 9
·ChessBase 14/Fritz 16 or included Reader
·internet access for program activation

·PC Intel i5 (Quadcore)
·Windows 10
·graphics card with 512 MB RAM or more
·100% DirectX10-compatible sound card
·Windows Media Player 11
·DVD-ROM drive
·internet access for program activation

El Gambito Morra (1.e4 c5 2.d4!) es un arma de ataque formidable contra la popular defensa Siciliana. El blanco sacrifica un peón en la segunda jugada a cambio de un desarrollo rápido de piezas y buenas opciones de ataque, y el negro puede caer muy fácilmente en alguna de las muchas celadas sibilinas en plena apertura. Con este gambito en tu arsenal de aperturas te convertirás en un jugador altamente impredecible, capaz de asestar duros golpes en cualquier momento. Tu oponente tendrá que resolver problemas concretos desde el comienzo de la partida y puede estar bajo gran presión ¡antes de la décima jugada!

En este DVD de más de 4 horas de duración, el maestro internacional Michael Rahal ilustra a través de muchas partidas ejemplares las ideas principales de este agresivo sistema de ataque. Con sus más de 25 anos de experiencia ensenando, consigue reducir al mínimo las variantes que se necesitan memorizar y en su lugar pone el énfasis en las ideas generales, conceptos clave y patrones de ataque.

Metraje de vídeo: 4 horas 5 minutos
Entrenamiento interactivo con comentarios a las respuestas con vídeo
Extra: base de datos con 50 partidas de modelo
Incluye ChessBase Reader

·Dual Core
·Windows 7 oder 8.1
·Grafikkarte mit 256 MB RAM
·Windows Media Player 9
·Chessbase14/Fritz 16 oder mitgelieferter Reader
·Internetverbindung zur Programmaktivierung

·PC Intel i5 oder AMD Ryzen 3 (Quadcore)
·Windows 10
·Grafikkarte mit 512 MB RAM oder mehr
·100% DirectX10-kompatible Soundkarte
·Windows Media Player 11
·DVD-ROM Laufwerk
·Internetzugang Internetverbindung zur Programmaktivierung

Weitere Informationen
EAN 4027975008622
Gewicht 100 g
Hersteller ChessBase
Breite 13 cm
Höhe 19 cm
Medium Download, DVD
Erscheinungsjahr 2018
Autor Michael Rahal
Reihe Fritz Trainer Aperturas
Sprache Englisch, Spanisch
ISBN-13 408-1915008622
Einband CD/DVD-Box
Hersteller Informationen
Name ChessBase GmbH
Adresse Osterbekstr. 90 a
Hamburg 22083
Internet www.chessbase.de
E-Mail info@chessbase.de

Sample Video:


1.01: Introducción [04:50]
2.02: Aperitivo 1 - Meyer,G - Bister,H [09:43]
3.03: Aperitivo 2 - Mosadeghpour,M - Alekseenko,K [11:06]
4.Capítulo 1: Defensa Dragón
5.01: Introducción [11:07]
6.02: 3...dxc3 4.Cxc3 Cc6 5.Cf3 g6 6.Ac4 Ag7 7.e5 - Jorge Freyre - Anothai Rittiphunyawong [08:58]
7.03: 3...dxc3 4.Cxc3 g6 5.Cf3 Ag7 6.e5 Cc6 7.Ac4 Cxe5 - Zelic,M - Cebalo,M [12:48]
8.Capítulo 2: Defensa Siberiana
9.01: Introducción [09:27]
10.02: 3...dxc3 4.Cxc3 e6 5.Cf3 Cc6 6.Ac4 Dc7 7.0-0 Cf6 8.Cb5 Db8 9.e5 Cxe5 10.Cxe5 Dxe5 11.Te1 Db8 - Codina Calvo,D - Represa Perez,M [10:11]
11.03: 3...dxc3 4.Cxc3 e6 5.Cf3 Cc6 6.Ac4 Dc7 7.0-0 Cf6 8.Cb5 Db8 9.e5 Cxe5 10.Cxe5 Dxe5 11.Te1 Dc5 - Fritsche,F - Lindner,J [11:10]
12.Capítulo 3: Defensa Chicago
13.01: Introducción [09:51]
14.02: 3...dxc3 4.Cxc3 e6 5.Cf3 a6 6.Ac4 d6 7.0-0 Cc6 8.De2 b5 9.Ab3 Ta7 10.Ae3 Td7 11.Tac1 - Votava,J - Poloch,P [10:25]
15.03: 3...dxc3 4.Cxc3 e6 5.Cf3 d6 6.Ac4 a6 7.0-0 Cc6 8.De2 b5 9.Ab3 Ta7 10.Af4 Td7 11.Tfd1 - Dimitrov,P - Parligras,M [10:38]
16.Capítulo 4: Defensa Paulsen
17.01: Introducción [12:12]
18.02: 3...dxc3 4.Cxc3 e6 5.Cf3 a6 6.Ac4 b5 7.Ab3 Ab7 8.0-0 b4 - Esserman,M - Sarkar,J [08:53]
19.Capítulo 5: Defansa Najdorf
20.01: Introducción [10:05]
21.02: 3...dxc3 4.Cxc3 Cc6 5.Cf3 d6 6.Ac4 a6 7.0-0 Cf6 8.Af4 Ag4 9.h3 Axf3 10.Dxf3 e6 11.Tfd1 Dc7 - Berg,E - Rocha,S [08:08]
22.03: 3...dxc3 4.Cxc3 Cc6 5.Cf3 d6 6.Ac4 a6 7.0-0 Cf6 8.Af4 Ag4 9.h3 Axf3 10.Dxf3 e6 11.Tfd1 Db8 - Santos Ruiz,M - Damaso,R [11:39]
23.Capítulo 6: Sistemas con ...Cge7
24.01: Introducción [07:32]
25.02: 3...dxc3 4.Cxc3 Cc6 5.Cf3 e6 6.Ac4 a6 7.0-0 Cge7 8.Ag5 f6 9.Ae3 Cg6 10.Ab3 b5 11.Cd5 exd5 12.exd5 Cce5 - Esserman,M - Van Wely,L [09:48]
26.03: 3...dxc3 4.Cxc3 Cc6 5.Cf3 e6 6.Ac4 a6 7.0-0 Cge7 8.Ag5 f6 9.Ae3 b5 10.Ab3 Cg6 11.Cd5 Tb8 - Izzat,K - Johansen,D [09:24]
27.Capítulo 7: Defensa Scheveningen
28.01: Variantes sin ...a6 - 3...dxc3 4.Cxc3 Cc6 5.Cf3 d6 6.Ac4 e6 7.0-0 Ae7 8.De2 Cf6 9.Td1 Dc7 [13:23]
29.02: Variantes con ...a6 - 3...dxc3 4.Cxc3 Cc6 5.Cf3 d6 6.Ac4 e6 7.0-0 Cf6 8.De2 a6 9.Td1 Dc7 [11:16]
30.Capítulo 8: Gambito Morra declinado
31.01: 3...d5/g6/e6/Cf6/d3 - Notación [13:42]
32.Capítulo 9: Ponte a prueba en el Morra
33.01: Test 1 - Lohr,M - Schoenweiler,E [00:57]
34.02: Test 2 - Caraballo,M - Tannous,F [00:48]
35.03: Test 3 - Gregorova,Z - Obdrzalkova,A [00:46]
36.04: Test 4 - Goncharova,O - Nabatov,I [00:45]
37.05: Test 5 - Walther,H - Boettger,R [00:50]
38.06: Test 6 - Jehle,B - Holzmayr,N [00:47]
39.07: Test 7 - Chikovani,V - Yagupov,I [00:35]
40.08: Test 8 - Peterson,E - Csolto,T [00:38]
41.09: Test 9 - Llaneza Vega,M - Hernandez Ramirez,J [00:54]
42.10: Test 10 - Choong,Y - Nakauchi,G [00:40]
43.11: Test 11 - Meduri,A - Cornejo,M [00:58]
44.12: Test 12 - Rahal,M - Cruz Estrada,F [00:51]
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