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A (First) Century of Studies - Ernest Pogosyants

49 pages, stitched, Russell Enterprises, 2000

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All chessplayers have favourite studies. Here is a chance not just to add to them, but to do so from the oeuvre of a talented British composer. The book is, however, superior to 'anthologies' in that it delves beneath the composer's skin, exposing his techniques both raw and refined. Many readers will have asked themselves how studies are composed, what their states were from conception to realisation - and if these readers have yearned for enlightenment they will have yearned in vain. They need look no further, for this book addresses the question. It does so both with many illustrative positions showing off ideas, clear ideas, that are half-way to being composed, and with other positions that are no more than sketches. Who knows, the reader, spurred by the challenge of such unfinished creative work, may rise to the bait and start composing, either with the material here or from his own private arsenal. If he does, it will be in the footsteps, and due to the inspiration, of the late Hugh Blandford.
More Information
EAN 1888690054
Weight 85 kg
Manufacturer Russell Enterprises
Width 99 mm
Height 15.6 cm
Medium Book
Year of Publication 2000
Author A. John Roycroft
Language English
ISBN-10 1888690054
Pages 49
Binding stitched
100 Studies selected and edited by John Roycroft.