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Startling correspondence chess miniatures

125 pages, paperback, 2000

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This collection of 100 brilliant short games contains a wealth of opening tricks and middle-game tactics played by email or post. This popular form of chess puts a premium on opening surprises and accurate analysis.

The book contains numerous corrections to opening theory, little-known sidelines and traps. Typical correspondence chess mistakes, and their swift punishment, are shown too.

Enjoy masterpieces by great players of the past and present, such as Alekhine, Keres, Ulf Andersson and Peter Leko. Many of today´s leading correspondence grandmasters are represented by attacking wins, including like Gert Jan Timmerman, Tonu Oim, Gottardo Gottardi andJoop van Oosterom. There are also many instructive games by less well-known masters and amateur players.

Tim Harding is editor of Chess Mail, the top magazine for postal and internet chess.

For many people correspondence chess is no usual game but a kind of art where they try to find the best possible move even if it takes 1000 hours of study for one single game! This new book from Tim Harding covers such a collection of "art games" with their fascinating attacks mostly played within the first 25 moves (the standard definition for a short game)! Short correspondence games usually have something magic like a sudden thunder stroke by day light. Going through this book you will find many exceptional games as the one from Alekhine that he played as young boy at an age of 17 against Aleksandrov. Poor Alekhine! But there are more correspondence games from famous chess players as the great Paul Keres, Ulf Andersen, Peter Leko, Hans Berliner including the Dutch Gert Jan Timmerman the upcoming world champion in correspondence chess! All together a collection of 100 well annotated games where the reader shall find another 20 interesting correspondence games between the notes. Even some exciting exercises can be found. I enjoyed the introductory comments suggestions and annotations to these instructively played correspondence games with their astounding ends. Very enjoyable is the chapter Resignation. The loser resigns a game before he is clearly lost in the extreme cast in a winning position.

Conclusion: A well written and inviting collection correspondence games that I would like to consider as a must for every serious correspondence or over the board chess player who is interested in correspondence chess! Would suggest to study these games carefully and thereby try to avoid the played mistakes!

Highly recommended!

John Elburg

This collection of 100 brilliant short games contains a wealth of opening tricks and middle-game tactics played by email or post. This popular form of chess puts a premium on opening surprises and accurate analysis.

The book contains numerous corrections to opening theory, little-known sidelines and traps. Typical correspondence chess mistakes, and their swift punishment, are shown too.

Enjoy masterpieces by great players of the past and present, such as Alekhine, Keres, Ulf Andersson and Peter Leko. Many of today´s leading correspondence grandmasters are represented by attacking wins, including like Gert Jan Timmerman, Tonu Oim, Gottardo Gottardi andJoop van Oosterom. There are also many instructive games by less well-known masters and amateur players.

Tim Harding is editor of Chess Mail, the top magazine for postal and internet chess.

For many people correspondence chess is no usual game but a kind of art where they try to find the best possible move even if it takes 1000 hours of study for one single game! This new book from Tim Harding covers such a collection of "art games" with their fascinating attacks mostly played within the first 25 moves (the standard definition for a short game)! Short correspondence games usually have something magic like a sudden thunder stroke by day light. Going through this book you will find many exceptional games as the one from Alekhine that he played as young boy at an age of 17 against Aleksandrov. Poor Alekhine! But there are more correspondence games from famous chess players as the great Paul Keres, Ulf Andersen, Peter Leko, Hans Berliner including the Dutch Gert Jan Timmerman the upcoming world champion in correspondence chess! All together a collection of 100 well annotated games where the reader shall find another 20 interesting correspondence games between the notes. Even some exciting exercises can be found. I enjoyed the introductory comments suggestions and annotations to these instructively played correspondence games with their astounding ends. Very enjoyable is the chapter Resignation. The loser resigns a game before he is clearly lost in the extreme cast in a winning position.

Conclusion: A well written and inviting collection correspondence games that I would like to consider as a must for every serious correspondence or over the board chess player who is interested in correspondence chess! Would suggest to study these games carefully and thereby try to avoid the played mistakes!

Highly recommended!

John Elburg

More Information
EAN 9780953853601
Weight 240 g
Width 14.9 cm
Height 21.3 cm
Medium Book
Year of Publication 2000
Author Tim Harding
Language English
ISBN-10 0953853608
ISBN-13 9780953853601
Pages 125
Binding paperback
004 Symbols & Abbreviations
004 Acknowledgments

005 Introduction
008 1. A Bolt From The Blue
018 Tactical Exercises I
019 2. The Black Museum
025 3. Classic CC Miniatures
037 4. Resignation: The Surest Way of Losing
050 5. Opening Shocks
061 6. Living Dangerously
075 7. Ultraminis
084 8. Twins
095 9. On The Attack
111 Tactical Exercises II
122 10. Superminis

124 Solutions to Exercises
126 Index to Openings
126 ECO Openings Key Index
127 Index of Players
128 Future Publications
Tim Harding ist der Herausgeber von Chess Mail, der in Großbritannien führenden Zeitschrift für Fernschach und Schach im Internet. Der erfahrene Autor (mehr als 20 Titel stammen aus seiner Feder) hat als Erstlingswerk des Chess-Mail-Verlages eine Anthologie von hundert brillianten Fernschach-Kurzpartien zusammengestellt, die allesamt längstens 25 Züge umfassen. Sie stammen aus dem Zeitraum seit 1950 und wurden vom Autor aus der von ihm angelegten MegaCorr-CD-ROM-Datenbank ausgewählt, welche derzeit mehr als 310.000 Fernpartien enthält.
Die Spiele sind in zehn Kapiteln nicht etwa nach Eröffnungen, sondern nach hervorstechenden Merkmalen angeordnet:
- Blitz aus heiterem Himmel: taktische Schläge;
- Das schwarze Museum: befasst sich mit fernschach-typischen Fehlern, z.B. falsches Aufschreiben von Zügen in der Zahlen-Notation, Analysieren einer falsch aufgebauten Position u.a.m.;
- Klassiker: diese reichen sogar bis ins 19. Jahrhundert zurück;
- Aufgeben: der schnellste Weg zum Verlust: Resignation in Remis- oder gar in Gewinnstellungen soll ja auch im Turnierschach vorkommen, umso verwunderlicher präsentiert sich dieses erstaunliche Phänomen im Fernschach;
- Eröffnungs-Überraschungen;
- Gefährliches Leben: etwa beim Zweispringerspiel, beim Blackmar-Diemer-Gambit, beim Lettischen Gambit oder auch beim spanischen Marshall-Angriff sind Kurzpartien quasi vorprogrammiert;
- Ultraminis: das sind Kurzschlüsse von zwölf Zügen oder gar noch weniger;
- Zwillingspartien: gleichartige taktische Wendungen in verschiedenen Partien;
- Scharfe Angriffe;
- Superminis: darunter versteht der Verfasser Kurzpartien von prominenten Fernschach-GMs wie Joop van Oosterom oder gar Weltmeistern wie Vladimir Zagorovsky oder Töinu Yim.
Am Anfang (S. 18) und am Ende (S. 111) des Buches stellt der Autor jeweils sechs taktische Übungen vor, an denen der Leser sein kombinatorisches Sehvermögen erproben kann. Die Lösungen - samt den Zugfolgen, die zu den jeweiligen kritischen Positionen geführt haben - finden sich im Anhang (S. 124 f).
Zusätzlich hat Harding den Text noch mit weiteren ca. 40 vollständigen Fernpartien sowie mit zehn Partiefragmenten angereichert, so dass auf dem relativ knappen Raum insgesamt etwa 160 spannende Gefechte Platz gefunden haben. Ein rundum gelungener Band, an dem nicht nur Fernschachspieler und der englischen Sprache Kundige ihre helle Freude haben dürften.

Dr. W. Schweizer / Rochade Europa 10/2000

Der Titel des Buches fasst seinen Inhalt bereits gut zusammen: Autor Tim Harding, der Fernschachfreunden als Herausgeber des Fernschachmagazins Chess Mail bekannt sein dürfte, hat für dieses erste Buch von Chess Mail Ltd. 100 wirklich bemerkenswerte Partien aus der Welt des Fernschachs zusammengestellt.

Dabei handelt es sich um sogenannte Miniaturen mit maximal 25 Zügen. Es liegt nahe, dass im Fernschach Partien nur unter besonderen Umständen derart schnell entschieden werden.

In seinem Buch zeigt Tim Harding gleich eine ganze Reihe von Gründen auf. Beispielsweise geht es um taktische Feuerwerke, typische Fernschachfehler, Eröffnungsschocks, Resignation und verfrühte Aufgabe einer Partie.

Zu jedem Thema findet der Leser nach einem einleitenden Text 10 entsprechende Partien. Diese sind durchweg sehr ordentlich kommentiert, und neben den Partien sorgt auch der Stil des Autors für gute Unterhaltung, schließlich weiß Tim Harding dank seiner jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung als Herausgeber und Fernschachspieler viel zu erzählen.

Dazu gibt es noch 2 kurze Kapitel mit 12 Übungsaufgaben, in denen Sie Ihre taktischen Fähigkeiten unter Beweis stellen können.

Kurzum: Das Buch ist sehr interessant und äußerst kurzweilig, wobei ihm aich seine schöne Aufmachung zugute kommt.

Schach Markt 1/2001

For many people correspondence chess is no usual game but a kind of art where they try to find the best possible move even if it takes 1000 hours of study for one single game! This new book from Tim Harding covers such a collection of "art games" with their fascinating attacks mostly played within the first 25 moves (the standard definition for a short game)! Short correspondence games usually have something magic like a sudden thunder stroke by day light. Going through this book you will find many exceptional games as the one from Alekhine that he played as young boy at an age of 17 against Aleksandrov. Poor Alekhine! But there are more correspondence games from famous chess players as the great Paul Keres, Ulf Andersen, Peter Leko, Hans Berliner including the Dutch Gert Jan Timmerman the upcoming world champion in correspondence chess! All together a collection of 100 well annotated games where the reader shall find another 20 interesting correspondence games between the notes. Even some exciting exercises can be found. I enjoyed the introductory comments suggestions and annotations to these instructively played correspondence games with their astounding ends. Very enjoyable is the chapter Resignation. The loser resigns a game before he is clearly lost in the extreme cast in a winning position.

Conclusion: A well written and inviting collection correspondence games that I would like to consider as a must for every serious correspondence or over the board chess player who is interested in correspondence chess! Would suggest to study these games carefully and thereby try to avoid the played mistakes!

Highly recommended!

John Elburg