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Rocking the Ramparts

256 pages, paperback, Batsford Chess

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·Author Larry Christiansen is US Chess Champion and a major player in today's chess scene
·A guide to sharp, aggressive play - the modern style of chess
·All major systems examined from both the White and Black viewpoint
Includes anecdotes, combinational examples and swindles!

The ultimate book to instill in the reader an understanding of the middlegame with an emphasis on tactical alertness. All major opening systems are examined from both the White and Black viewpoint, taking into account the individual pawn structures and identifying appropriate attacking plans and strategies for White and counterattacking schemes for Black - where these 'ramparts' are undermined. A final chapter contains anecdotes, combinational examples and even swindles.

A book to help competitiveplayers get more out of chess by adopting sharp aggressive play, which has in fact become the preferred modern style.

The author provides the principles of middlegame understanding, tactical alertness and counterattacking skills, enabling club players to get more out of their chess by adopting sharp, aggressive play as seen in the games of present-day grandmasters.
Incisive methods of play are given to illustrate attacking motives inherent in the structures of different opening systems and their variations. For example, the Sicilian Defence, the Najdorf, Dragon, Taimanov-Paulsen, Sveshnikov, Rauser, Rossolimo, Closed and Grand Prix are all handled individually, showing the reader how to recognize and exploit typical tactical opportunities. Even the art of swindling is not neglected!
Richly illustrated with examples from practical play, including the games of amateurs.
Larry Christiansen is a world class grandmaster and US Champion. Players of all levels enjoy and benefit from his instructive writing.
More Information
EAN 9780713487763
Weight 330 g
Manufacturer Batsford Chess
Width 13.8 cm
Height 21.6 cm
Medium Book
Author Larry Christiansen
Language English
ISBN-10 0713487763
Pages 256
Binding paperback
Diagrams 200
005 The Art of Attack
031 Attack on the Castled King-Drawing the King from its Lair
050 Kings Castled on Opposite Sides
071 Sicilian - Opposite Sides Castling
101 Importants Motifs for the Attacking Player
138 Romantic Opening Thrill Rides
148 Some Larry C Attacking Games
195 Instructive Combinations and Inspirational Attacks
Erst in der Ausgabe 6/2003 habe ich eine Angriffsfides amerikanischen GMs rezensiert - Erstürmung der Barrikaden (Storming the Barricades), erschieim Gambit Verlag. Das jetzt vorgelegte Buch ist in Aufbau und Thematik ähnlich; allerdings mit anPartienmaterial. Merkwürdig ist, dass weder im Klappentext noch im Vorwort noch sonst wo auf die Barrikaden hingewiesen wird! Das Buch ist keieine Fortsetzung, denn es wird erneut auf vergleichbare Weise in die Thematik eingeführt. Insgesamt bietet Ramparts eine gelungene Zusamvon Angriffspartien; nicht weniger, jeauch nicht mehr. Es dominieren Kurzkommenzu den Partien, die wenigen längeren Textteile bleiben diesmal blass, allgemeine Schlussfolgerunund Ratschläge Fehlanzeige. Also ein mäßiger Neuaufguss der Barrikaden. Das Buch bestätigt meiAnsicht, dass die Qualität von Büchern nicht nur durch die Autoren, sondern auch durch die Verlage gemacht wird: Während die Editoren mancherorts (Gambit) ihre Autoren zu einem guten Endprodukt „prügeln", herrscht anderswo mehr das Laisser-faire.

Harald Keilhack, Schach 01/2004