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The War of the Chessmen

184 pages, cloth-binding/ embossed in gold, Caissa Editions, 1984

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About this book

This is a book about chess wrapped about a chess book.

The chess book is Ercole del Rio`s "The War of the Chessman", a beginner`s book from the beginnings of modern chess. Written around 1800 and ready for the printer, it has remained unpublished until the present day. In the 1840`s the great reputation of the "Anonymous Modenese", as del Rio was called, made the manuscript much sought after, and Borsari, its owner, lurky mysteriously in the background of one of Willard Fiske`s chess tales. But its contents reamined a mystery, and modern chess developed without their help, though not without help from the already published works of den Rio and the other masters of Modena, Lolli and Ponziani.

The bit of history helps explain why I have wrapped del Rio`s book in another explaning its place in chess history. To make del Rio`s thoughts at last accessible to the chess world, a translation was needed, but also a recreation of the "state of the art" as the Modenese found it and as they left it.

Chess, in the hands of the Modenese, became a neoclassical discipline, shaped by the Baconian view of sciense and by the literary doctrines of the Italian eighteen century, in response to the challenge posed by the "esprit de système" of the great French player and author, Ohilidor. Thus my Introduction traces the earlier history of the game, as background to these developments.

For the Modenese masters, the art of the combination was the height of chess mastery, and they taught it by example. Composed positions, "partiti" (the grandparents of today`s "problems and "studies"), played the major role in this teaching, as a readin of del Rio will show. To help out the reader who is unaware of the role played by chess composition in the early development of the game, I have looked a twelve early works in some detail in the Examinations of Chess Art that follow the Introduction.

My Preface the gathers together English translations of the prefatory material in del Rio`s book. Here will also be found Ponziani`s "Critiques" of earlier authors, with del Rio`s additions (he intended to end his work with his bibliography). The " Baconian" drift of Modenese chess is revealed here, with dry and sometimes biting humour.

The Italian text follows, with running translations of Parts II and III. I have provided a Glossary of Italian chess terms, which, with a fair-sized dictionary, is enough to start reading the original. You don`t read Italian? Well, as William Langer would say, "have you ever tried?" If you do, you will find del Rio`s Italian sprightly and clear.

Chess notation is explained on the last page. Italian chess differed only slightly from the modern rules, in the "special moves" of chess, castling and Pawn promotion, while "en passant" capture was not allowed. The differences are explained on page 183.

Del Rio intended the pleasing to be accompanied by the useful, but the by now somewhat doddering Dame Utility who chaperones his beauties can be got around rather easily. this is simple chess which may simply be enjoyed. May it bring you the pleasure it has brought me!

Christopher Bennett Becker
More Information
EAN 9060030311
Weight 420 g
Manufacturer Caissa Editions
Width 14.9 cm
Height 20.1 cm
Medium Book
Year of Publication 1984
Author Ercole del Rio
Language English, Italian
ISBN-10 9060030311
Pages 184
Binding cloth-binding/ embossed in gold
iii About this book

vii Acknowledgements

ix Introduction
xi I. The Birth of Discipline
xxvii II. Toward the "War of the Chessmen"
xli III. The Reception of the Modenese
xlv Notes
xlix Bibliography

liii Examinations of Chess Art, 800-1750 A.D.

001 Preface: English translations of del Rio`s longer texts

003 Prodrome
005 Part One
005 Chapter I. Technical Terms
007 Chapter II. Laws of the Game
010 Chapter III. The Exchange Value of the Pieces
011 Chapter IV General Theoretical Maxims
016 Part Two, Preface: On the Openings
018 Introduction to the King`s Gambit
019 Introduction to the Queen`s Gambit
020 Part Three, Preface: On Various Endings

021 Domenico Ponziani, "A critical Bibliography of the Principal Authors on the Game" (1782), with del Rio`s additions

031 LA GUERRA DEGLI SCACCHI (Italian text, with running translation)

032 Principles of this edition

033 Prodomo agli amatori del Giuoco degli Scacci
035 Preclarissimi personaggi
035 Abbreviature

037 Parte prima. Delle nozioni preliminari
037 Capitolo I. Vocaboli tecnici
040 Capitolo II. Leggi del giuoco
043 Capitolo III. Valore de`Pezzi per farne cambio
044 Capitolo IV. Teoriche massime generali
046 Avvertenze orudenziali

049 Parte seconda. Delle Aperture de`giuochi
049 Introduzione
051 Capitolo I. (Bishop`s Opening, Berlin Defense, 3. Sc3)
053 II. (Bishop`s Opening, Berlin Defense, 3.d4)
054 From a game 3...Sxe4
055 III. (Bishop`s Opening, Classical Defense, 3.c3
IV. (Bishop`s Opening, 3.c3, Qe7 4.Qe2)
057 Del Rio-Rango d`Aragona
059 V. (Center game, gambit 3.Bc4)
062 VI. (Damiano`s Gomito, 2...f6?)
063 VII. (King`s Knight`s Game, introductory)
063 (Philidor`s Defense, 3.d4!)
065 (Two Knight`s Defense)
065 From a game
066 VIII. (For second player: Bishop`s Opening)
067 From a game
069 Appendice: XX-del Rio, 1.e4, e5 2.Qh5?
070 IX. (For second player: Philidor`s Defense, 3.Bc4)
071 From a game
071 X. (Giuoco Piano with 4.c3)
073 Appendice (Ruy Lopez with BxN)
074 XI. (Giuoco Piano with 4.Sc3)
076 Lolli-del Rio

115. Parte terza. Sopra diversi finimenti(Endings)
116. Capitolo I. De`finimenti di loro natura vinti (Book wins)
122. Capitolo II. De`giuochi patti di loro natura (Book draws)
130. Capitolo III. Partiti o sia finimenti di sole Pedone per ambe le parti (King and Pawn studies)
138. Capitolo IV. Semicenturia di finimenti straordinari, o siano Partiti misti die Pezzi i Pedone (Partiti)

161. Appendices: Italian texts by del Rio
161. A. King`s Gambit Declined with 4.d4 and (from a game) 4.d3
162. B. Queen`s Gambit: Preface (1770`s: transl. p 19)
163. C. Del Rio on Ponziani and Stein (transl. pp. 28-9)

166 Glossary of Italian Chess Terms in "La Guerra degli Scacchi"
175 Table and Index of Openings
176 Name and Subject Index
182 Table of Simpler Endings by Material
183 Italian Chess: the "Special Moves"
last page: Chess Notation
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