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Endgames of the World Champions - vol. 1

From Fischer to Carlsen

DVD-box, ChessBase, 1. edition 2018

From the series »Fritztrainer Endgames«

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Lerne Endspiele von den Weltmeistern!

Die Weltmeister haben das Schach in besonderem Maße geprägt. Und obwohl sie sich in ihrem Spielstil unterschieden, war jeder von ihnen auch ein Ausnamekönner im Endspiel. Das Material dieser DVD basiert auf der MasterClass Serie von ChessBase und bietet Ihnen eine gute Gelegenheit, etwas aus den besten Beispielen der Endspielgeschichte mitzunehmen.

Genießen Sie Bobby Fischers Behandlung der „Fischerendspiele”: lassen Sie sich von Karsten Müller demonstrieren, wie der 11. Weltmeister seine Gegner Petrosian und Taimanov mit Turm und Läufer im Vorteil gegen Turm und Springer zur Verzweiflung trieb! Legendär ist auch die Endspielkunst des 12. Weltmeisters, Anatoli Karpov. Aus fast nichts einen alles entscheidenden Vorteil zu generieren - diese Kunst beherrschte Karpov ganz ähnlich wie heute Magnus Carlsen! Oder lassen Sich von Garry Kasparovs oder Vishy Anands dynamischem Stil und ihrem Drang nach Aktivität bestechen. Vladimir Kramniks trieb dagegen Kasparov mit dem Endspiel der „Berliner Mauer” schier zur Verzweiflung. Lassen Sie sich vom Endspielexperten Dr Karsten Müller die Finessen der Weltmeister präsentieren und erklären. Und genießen Sie zahlreiche Rückblicke auf Höhepunkte der Schachgeschichte, z.B. auf das Match Fischer-Spasski, als es noch Hängepartien gab und die ganze Schachwelt bei der Endspielanalyse mitfieberte.

Videospielzeit: 9 Stunden 37 min (Deutsch)
Extra: Ausarbeitungen als Datenbank und PDF
Interaktiver Abschlusstest mit Video-Feedback
Mit CB 14 - Reader

Dr. Karsten Müller gilt als einer der größten Endspielexperten weltweit. Dazu hat sein zusammen mit Frank Lamprecht verfasstes Buch „Grundlagen der Schachendspiele” ebenso beigetragen wie seine Kolumnen auf den Webseiten ChessCafe und Chess- Base sowie im ChessBase Magazin. Müllers ChessBase-DVDs im
Fritztrainer-Format über Endspiele sind Bestseller. Im ChessBase Videoportal begrüßt er regelmäßig illustre Gäste zu seinen Endspielshows. Der Großmeister und promovierte Mathematiker lebt in Hamburg, wo er auch für den HSK mehr als 25 Jahre in der Bundesliga auf Punktejagd ging.

·Dual Core
·Windows 7 oder 8.1
·Grafikkarte mit 256 MB RAM
·Windows Media Player 9
·Chessbase14/Fritz 16 oder mitgelieferter Reader
·Internetverbindung zur Programmaktivierung

·PC Intel i5 oder AMD Ryzen 3 (Quadcore)
·Windows 10
·Grafikkarte mit 512 MB RAM oder mehr
·100% DirectX10-kompatible Soundkarte
·Windows Media Player 11
·DVD-ROM Laufwerk
·Internetzugang Internetverbindung zur Programmaktivierung
Learn Endgames from the World Champions!

All world champions left their mark on chess. And although they had different styles each and every one of them played the endgame exceptionally well. The material on this DVD is based on the ChessBase MasterClass series, and gives you a good opportunity to enjoy some of the best endgames in the history of chess.

Enjoy how Bobby Fischer plays the ”Fischer Endgames“: let Karsten Müller show you how the 11. World Champion made Petrosian and Taimanov despair in endgames with rook and bishop against rook and knight! The endgame skills of the 12. World Champion Anatoly Karpov are also legendary. To generate a decisive advantage from seemingly harmless positions - Karpov was a master of this art as is Magnus Carlsen today! Or let Garry Kasparov’s or Vishy Anand’s dynamic style and their striving for initiative inspire you. And watch how Vladimir Kramnik exasperated Kasparov with the ”Berlin Wall“ endgame. Let endgame expert Dr Karsten Müller show and explain the finesses of the world champions. Enjoy highlights of chess history, e.g. the Fischer-Spassky match in Reykjavik 1972 when games were still adjourned and chess fans all over the world enthusiastically joined the endgame analyses.

Video running time: 9 h (English)
With interactive training incuding video feedback
Including CB Reader

Dr. Karsten Müller, born 1970, has a world-wide reputation as one of the greatest endgame experts. He has, together with Frank Lamprecht, written a book on the subject: ”Fundamental Chess Endings“ in addition to other contributions such as his column on the ChessCafe and ChessBase websites and in ChessBase Magazine. Müller’s ChessBase-DVDs about endgames in Fritztrainer- Format are bestsellers. In the chessbase video portal he welcomes regularly top Grandmasters for his endgame show. The PhD in mathematics lives in Hamburg, where he has also played for the HSK in the Bundesliga for more than 25 years.
·Dual Core
·Windows 7 or 8.1
·graphics card with 256 MB RAM
·DVD-ROM drive
·Windows Media Player 9
·ChessBase 14/Fritz 16 or included Reader
·internet access for program activation

·PC Intel i5 (Quadcore)
·Windows 10
·graphics card with 512 MB RAM or more
·100% DirectX10-compatible sound card
·Windows Media Player 11
·DVD-ROM drive
·internet access for program activation

More Information
EAN 4027975008653
Weight 100 g
Manufacturer ChessBase
Width 13 cm
Height 19 cm
Medium Download, DVD
Year of Publication 2018
Author Karsten Müller
Series Fritztrainer Endgames
Language German, English
Edition 1
ISBN-13 402-7975008653
Binding DVD-box
Hersteller Informationen
Name ChessBase GmbH
Adresse Osterbekstr. 90 a
Hamburg 22083


Sample Video:

1.01: Introduction [03:19]
2.Bobby Fischer
3.Chapter 1: Theoretical endgames
4.01: Centurini's Rule - 01.01 Taimanov,M - Fischer,R [08:09]
5.02: Rauser's Drawing Zone - 01.02 Walther,E - Fischer,R [05:13]
6.03: To exchange rooks or not to exchange rooks that is the question - 01.03 Reshevsky,S - Fischer,R [08:22]
7.04: The duel active king against outside passed pawn - 01.04 Fischer,R - Bisguier,A [09:30]
8.05: A bolt from the clear blue sky - 01.05 Bisguier,A - Fischer,R [03:16]
9.Chapter 2: Rook endings
10.01: The short side - 02.01 Gligoric,S - Fischer,R [04:42]
11.02: The cut off - 02.02 Fischer,R - Sherwin,J [05:20]
12.03: The missed zwischenschach - 02.03 Gligoric,S - Fischer,R [03:44]
13.04: The race - 02.04 Fischer,R - Benko,P [07:03]
14.05: The power of the passed pawn - 02.05 Fischer,R - Portisch,L [04:08]
15.06: Duel of the passed pawns - 02.06 Geller,E - Fischer,R [02:23]
16.07: Activity is the order of the day - 02.07 Fischer,R - Bisguier,A [07:06]
17.08: Geller's brilliant idea saves Botvinnik - 02.08 Botvinnik,M - Fischer,R [06:24]
18.09: The old riddle of Petrosian vs Fischer - 02.09A Tigran V Petrosian - Bobby Fischer; 02.09B Tigran V Petrosian - Bobby Fischer [05:35]
19.Chapter 3: The Fischer endgame
20.01: Taimanov's Knightmare Part 1 - 03.01 Fischer,R - Taimanov,M; 03.01A Fischer,B - Taimanov,M; 03.01B Analysis of Fischer,B - Taimanov,M; 03.01C Analysis of Fischer,R - Taimanov,M [09:58]
21.02: Taimanov's Knightmare Part 2 - 03.02 Fischer,R - Taimanov,M [05:53]
22.03: Taimanov's Knightmare Part 3 - 03.03 Fischer,R - Taimanov,M [04:22]
23.04: Even Fischer's bad bishop wins - 03.04 Petrosian,T - Fischer,B [07:40]
24.05: One of Fischer's most amazing moves - 03.05 Fischer,B - Petrosian,T [04:47]
25.06: Magic against the Magician - 03.06 Fischer,R - Tal,M [05:30]
26.Chapter 4: Famous games, riddles and mysteries
27.01: The famous riddle of 29...Bxh2? - 04.01 Spassky,B - Fischer,B [05:35]
28.02: The amazing 13th match game from Reykjavik - 04.02 Spassky,B - Fischer,R [04:07]
29.03: The first win against a Soviet grandmaster - 04.03 Fischer,R - Keres,P [04:16]
30.04: Benko's brilliant idea - 04.04 Fischer,R - Euwe,M [03:33]
31.05: A mistake Fischer never made - 04.05 Saidy,A - Fischer,R [02:55]
32.Anatoly Karpov
33.01: Karpov's cavalry attacks - part 1 - Bouaziz,S - Karpov,A [05:27]
34.02: Karpov's cavalry attacks - part 2 - Spassky,B - Karpov,A [06:34]
35.03: The legendary - knight versus bishop classic" against Kasparov - part 1 - Karpov,A - Kasparov,G [09:18]
36.04: The legendary - knight versus bishop classic" against Kasparov - part 2 - Analysis of Karpov - Kasparov,G [04:26]
37.05: A lasso for the steed - the Karpov distance - Karpov,A - Ftacnik,L [05:06]
38.06: Even pure opposite coloured bishop endings are not always drawn - Ljubojevic,L - Karpov,A [02:58]
39.07: Bishops of opposite colours favour the attacking side in the middlegame - Braga,F - Karpov,A [02:59]
40.08: The classic against Kavalek in the Karpov ending - Karpov,A - Kavalek,L [07:23]
41.09: Restriction and domination strategy - part 1 - Karpov,A - Uhlmann,W [06:03]
42.10: Restriction and domination strategy - part 2 - Karpov,A - Ljubojevic,L [07:06]
43.11: Kortschnoj's counter - Kortschnoj,V - Karpov,A [04:45]
44.12: Safety in Rauser's drawing zone - Kortschnoj,V - Karpov,A [05:21]
45.Interactive tests
46.01: Accurate rook moves - Karpov,A - Gligoric,S [07:35]
47.02: The congenial rook and knight duo - Karpov,A - Jussupow,A [09:25]
48.Garry Kasparov
49.01: The basics of endgame theory - Alburt,L - Kasparov,G [07:38]
50.02: Triangulation - Seirawan,Y - Kasparov,G [02:52]
51.03: A long ending against Short - Short,N - Kasparov,G [02:51]
52.04: The greatest enemy of the knight - Kasparov,G - Adams,M [04:37]
53.05: The dire straits of the king in the corner - Polgar,J - Kasparov,G [04:18]
54.06: The gem - Anand,V - Kasparov,G [01:34]
55.07: Two rook endings against Kortschnoj, Part 1 - Kortschnoj,V - Kasparov,G [04:12]
56.08: Two rook endings against Kortschnoj, Part 2 - Kortschnoj,V - Kasparov,G [06:41]
57.09: Two rooks against Topalov, Part 1 - Topalov,V - Kasparov,G [05:53]
58.10: Two rooks against Topalov, Part 2 - Topalov,V - Kasparov,G [07:31]
59.11: A rook dominates two minor pieces - Van Wely,L - Kasparov,G [06:46]
60.12: The King's Indian classic - Danailov,S - Kasparov,G [07:54]
61.Interactive Test
62.01: Kamsky's king in the crossfire - Kamsky,G - Kasparov,G [06:09]
63.Vladimir Kramnik
64.Chapter 1: Kramnik's technique
65.01: An open file is like an open wound - Kramnik,V - Vocaturo,D [09:42]
66.02: Kramnik's central majority - Kramnik,V - Leko,P [04:52]
67.Chapter 2: Endgame - Rook and Knight vs Rook and Bishop
68.03: Mating attack out of clear blue sky - Kramnik,V - Leko,P [03:55]
69.04: Powerplay on the light squares - Nakamura,H - Kramnik,V [04:29]
70.Chapter 3: Strategical initiative
71.05: The power of the bishop pair - Kamsky,G - Kramnik,V [04:06]
72.06: Small army strong attack - Kramnik,V - Carlsen,M [02:35]
73.07: The power of the passed d-pawn - Kramnik,V - Howell,D [02:55]
74.08: Kramnik's king - Kramnik,V - Ponomariov,R [04:15]
75.09: All rook endings are drawn - Kramnik,V - Topalov,V [04:37]
76.10: Kramnik's battering ram - Ivanchuk,V - Kramnik,V [02:33]
77.11: The fine art of transformation - Kramnik,V - Gelfand,B [06:35]
78.Chapter 4: Kramnik vs Kasparov
79.12: Opposite coloured bishops favor the attacker - Kramnik,V - Kasparov,G [04:40]
80.13: Kramnik's match strategy- Kramnik,V - Kasparov,G [10:37]
81.Interactive Tests
82.01: Kramnik's knight defense - Nakamura,H - Kramnik,V [06:07]
83.02: The bishop wants dynamics the knight static - Kramnik,V - Khalifman,A [05:50]
84.Viswanathan Anand
85.01: White knight's knightmare - Gustafsson,J - Anand,V [05:56]
86.02: The power of the bishops - Anand,V - Lautier,J [02:43]
87.03: The green bishop - Anand,V - Aronian,L [07:35]
88.04: A light initiative weighs heavily - Anand,V - Kasimdzhanov,R [05:29]
89.05: Opposite colored bishops favor the attacker - Anand,V - Karjakin,S [11:53]
90.06: The Queen wants dynamics the rooks static - Shirov,A - Anand,V [04:22]
91.07: The Berlin wall falls - Anand,V - Ponomariov,R [07:50]
92.08: Anand's counterattack - Carlsen,M - Anand,V [06:48]
93.09: The Berlin wall holds - Anand,V - Carlsen,M [13:56]
94.Interactive test
95.01: Double rook ending technique - Anand,V - Gelfand,B [08:48]
96.Magnus Carlsen
97.01: The Carlsen endgame - Carlsen,M - Caruana,F [14:26]
98.02: In Capablanca's footsteps - Radjabov,T - Carlsen,M [06:52]
99.03: Do not rush - Carlsen,M - Kramnik,V [07:05]
100.04: Carlsen endgame with knights - Palo,D - Carlsen,M [07:41]
101.05: h- and f-pawn can win in the Carlsen case - Leko,P - Carlsen,M [06:21]
102.06: From the opening into the endgame - Carlsen,M - Anand,V [08:56]
103.07: Rook endings are not always drawn - Anand,V - Carlsen,M [02:48]
104.08: Knight on the rim is dim - Carlsen,M - Naiditsch,A [05:25]
105.09: Attack with opposite coloured bishops - Carlsen,M - Karjakin,S [05:39]
106.10: Magnus mighty knight - Kramnik,V - Carlsen,M [08:42]
107.Interactive test
108.01: Small army, great attack - Carlsen,M - Aronian,L [07:38]
109.02: The eternal pin - Carlsen,M - Onischuk,A [04:15]
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