A comprehensive work about the magic world of endgames.
For starters, 100 interesting and instructive examples on important endgame topics are thoroughly analyzed and extensively commented. Especially those in which not only many useful rules of thumb are
ex- plained and illustrated, but above all their not uncommon exceptions.
In the chapter 'Practice makes perfect', 100 exercises give the readers the opportunity to check their previous knowledge and what they have learned in the first part.
In the following 100 exciting studies, it was ensured that they do not show any artificial constructs, but positions that could well have come from practical games and whose solutions are clearly comprehensible.
You can either tackle the given exercises under tournamen
t-like conditions, or you can use the book as a pure textbook and deal directly with the solutions, because even with this approach you can enrich your existing knowledge with many typical endgame motives.
Readers can rest assured that the magic from the realm of endgames will cast its spell over them and that they will enjoy the fascination of the final phase of the game.
For starters, 100 interesting and instructive examples on important endgame topics are thoroughly analyzed and extensively commented. Especially those in which not only many useful rules of thumb are
ex- plained and illustrated, but above all their not uncommon exceptions.
In the chapter 'Practice makes perfect', 100 exercises give the readers the opportunity to check their previous knowledge and what they have learned in the first part.
In the following 100 exciting studies, it was ensured that they do not show any artificial constructs, but positions that could well have come from practical games and whose solutions are clearly comprehensible.
You can either tackle the given exercises under tournamen
t-like conditions, or you can use the book as a pure textbook and deal directly with the solutions, because even with this approach you can enrich your existing knowledge with many typical endgame motives.
Readers can rest assured that the magic from the realm of endgames will cast its spell over them and that they will enjoy the fascination of the final phase of the game.
EAN | 9783959209571 |
Weight | 510 g |
Manufacturer | Beyer |
Medium | Book |
Year of Publication | 2023 |
Author | Jerzy KonikowskiKarsten Müller |
Language | English |
Edition | 1 |
ISBN-13 | 978-3959209571 |
Pages | 322 |
Binding | paperback |
Name | Joachim Beyer Verlag e. K. |
Adresse | Zur Wallfahrtskirche 5 Eltmann 97483 Deutschland |
Internet | www.beyerverlag.de |
info@beyerverlag.de |
007 Explanation of symbols
008 Preface
009 Part I: Strategic and tactical motives in the endgame
009 Chapter 1: The active king
015 Chapter 2: Mating attack in the endgame
018 Chapter 3: Rescue by stalemate
021 Chapter 4: Theoretical pawn endings
027 Chapter 5: Zugzwang
033 Chapter 6: Breakthrough
039 Chapter 7: Attack on the king
044 Chapter 8: Defense
049 Chapter 9: Theoretical rook endings
056 Chapter 10: Passed pawn
062 Chapter 11: Several passed pawns
068 Chapter 12: Perpetual check
072 Chapter 13: Bodycheck
080 Chapter 14: Liquidation
084 Chapter 15: Fortress
088 Chapter 16: Instructive endgames
094 Chapter 17: Missed winning chances
100 Chapter 18: Missed drawing chances
106 Chapter 19: Tactical tricks
112 Chapter 20: Various motives
117 Part II: Praetice makes perfect
167 Solutions - Part II
227 Part III: Endgame magic - Test your technique and tactics
254 Solutions - Part III
298 Part IV: Examples from current GM practice
310 Index of names - Part I
313 Index of names - Part II
316 Index of names - Part III
318 Index of names - Part IV
319 Index of sources
320 About the authors
008 Preface
009 Part I: Strategic and tactical motives in the endgame
009 Chapter 1: The active king
015 Chapter 2: Mating attack in the endgame
018 Chapter 3: Rescue by stalemate
021 Chapter 4: Theoretical pawn endings
027 Chapter 5: Zugzwang
033 Chapter 6: Breakthrough
039 Chapter 7: Attack on the king
044 Chapter 8: Defense
049 Chapter 9: Theoretical rook endings
056 Chapter 10: Passed pawn
062 Chapter 11: Several passed pawns
068 Chapter 12: Perpetual check
072 Chapter 13: Bodycheck
080 Chapter 14: Liquidation
084 Chapter 15: Fortress
088 Chapter 16: Instructive endgames
094 Chapter 17: Missed winning chances
100 Chapter 18: Missed drawing chances
106 Chapter 19: Tactical tricks
112 Chapter 20: Various motives
117 Part II: Praetice makes perfect
167 Solutions - Part II
227 Part III: Endgame magic - Test your technique and tactics
254 Solutions - Part III
298 Part IV: Examples from current GM practice
310 Index of names - Part I
313 Index of names - Part II
316 Index of names - Part III
318 Index of names - Part IV
319 Index of sources
320 About the authors
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