Article Number
School of Chess Excellence 4
205 pages, paperback, Olms, 2. edition 2009
From the series »Progress in Chess«
This long-awaited and ground-breaking work, which was previously published only in Russian and German, has finally become available also in English. "Compared with the other books in this series, substantially more space is given to the analysis of the opening problems that confront a player in a particular game. The first half of the book is devoted to opening preparation, and also in the second half nearly every game is accompanied by detailed opening information. The main attraction of chess is its thematic content. I hope that this book will provide a guide for you through the rich and diverse world of chess ideas, will help you to perceive the depth and beauty of schemes generated at the board, in tournament or match play, to disclose the causes of mistakes and to be aware of the hidden forces that determine the plans of chess encounters. As a result you will significantly improve your understanding of chess, and your practical playing strength will rise."
Mark Dvoretsky
It is no secret that, although the foreword to any book stands at its very beginning, it is usually written at the very end, when the book is practically ready. And now here, before sending off the manuscript to the publisher, I sense an enormous relief - the work, which I embarked on many years ago, back in 1987, has at last been completed. Before you is the fourth, concluding book in the series School of Chess Excellence. It is constructed on the same principles as the three preceding titles: Endgame Analysis, Tactical Play and Strategic Play. You will continue your acquaintance with the results of the work of our creative laboratory -games and game fragments, played by the author of these lines or his pupils, and also with examples by other players, thoroughly analysed by us at study-training sessions. Before you is fresh material, which has either not been examined at all in other books, or which here has been subjected to a creative reinterpretation. With its help I will talk about problems that are important to any player. This will cover both general principles and improvement methods, preparing for a competition or an individual game, the technique for finding a move directly at the board, and the secrets concealed behind a specific position.
As in the preceding books, you will be offered numerous tests (sometimes quite difficult) for independent solving. They are divided into 'questions' (signified by a letter Q followed by the number of the part of the book and the number of the question), answers to which you will find in the subsequent text, and 'exercises' (letter E) with answers at the end of the book. There you will also find a thematic index: after deciding on the proposed type of training (the particular playing skill that you wish to develop), with the help of the index you can choose appropriate exercises to solve.
But what is it that distinguishes this book from the previous books (of course, apart from the specific chess material)?
1) Here it is largely games that are analysed (from beginning to end), and not their fragments.
2) Compared with the other books in this series, substantially more space is given to the analysis of the opening problems that confront a player in a particular game. The first half of the book is altogether devoted to opening preparation (although, as you will see, not only to this), and also in the second half nearly every game is accompanied by detailed opening information.
The main attraction of chess is its thematic content. I hope that this book, like the preceding ones, will provide a guide for you through the rich and diverse world of chess ideas, will help you to perceive the depth and beauty of schemes generated at the board, in tournament or match play, to
disclose the causes of mistakes and to be aware of the hidden forces that determine the plans of chess encounters. As a result you will significantly improve your understanding of chess, and your practical playing strength will rise.
Mark Dvoretsky
It is no secret that, although the foreword to any book stands at its very beginning, it is usually written at the very end, when the book is practically ready. And now here, before sending off the manuscript to the publisher, I sense an enormous relief - the work, which I embarked on many years ago, back in 1987, has at last been completed. Before you is the fourth, concluding book in the series School of Chess Excellence. It is constructed on the same principles as the three preceding titles: Endgame Analysis, Tactical Play and Strategic Play. You will continue your acquaintance with the results of the work of our creative laboratory -games and game fragments, played by the author of these lines or his pupils, and also with examples by other players, thoroughly analysed by us at study-training sessions. Before you is fresh material, which has either not been examined at all in other books, or which here has been subjected to a creative reinterpretation. With its help I will talk about problems that are important to any player. This will cover both general principles and improvement methods, preparing for a competition or an individual game, the technique for finding a move directly at the board, and the secrets concealed behind a specific position.
As in the preceding books, you will be offered numerous tests (sometimes quite difficult) for independent solving. They are divided into 'questions' (signified by a letter Q followed by the number of the part of the book and the number of the question), answers to which you will find in the subsequent text, and 'exercises' (letter E) with answers at the end of the book. There you will also find a thematic index: after deciding on the proposed type of training (the particular playing skill that you wish to develop), with the help of the index you can choose appropriate exercises to solve.
But what is it that distinguishes this book from the previous books (of course, apart from the specific chess material)?
1) Here it is largely games that are analysed (from beginning to end), and not their fragments.
2) Compared with the other books in this series, substantially more space is given to the analysis of the opening problems that confront a player in a particular game. The first half of the book is altogether devoted to opening preparation (although, as you will see, not only to this), and also in the second half nearly every game is accompanied by detailed opening information.
The main attraction of chess is its thematic content. I hope that this book, like the preceding ones, will provide a guide for you through the rich and diverse world of chess ideas, will help you to perceive the depth and beauty of schemes generated at the board, in tournament or match play, to
disclose the causes of mistakes and to be aware of the hidden forces that determine the plans of chess encounters. As a result you will significantly improve your understanding of chess, and your practical playing strength will rise.
EAN | 9783283004194 |
Weight | 520 g |
Manufacturer | Olms |
Width | 17 cm |
Height | 24 cm |
Medium | Book |
Year of Publication | 2009 |
Author | Mark Dvoretsky |
Series | Progress in Chess |
Language | English |
Edition | 2 |
ISBN-10 | 3283004196 |
ISBN-13 | 9783283004194 |
Pages | 205 |
Binding | paperback |
Name | Edition Olms |
Adresse | Rosengartenstraße 13B Bubikon/Zürich 8608 Schweiz |
Internet | | |
007 Preface
Part eight
009 The opening
011 Opening disasters
015 How a player develops
021 Risk in a decisive game
027 Playing for mate
035 An unrealised dream
043 Dubious innovations
048 'Your own theory'
056 Duels in the Pirc-Ufimtsev Defence
062 The ball is in White's court
069 Opening subtleties
072 Exercises for analysis
Part nine
075 Games
076 Who is attacking whom?
086 The accumulation of small advantages
095 Dispute of equals
102 A desperate struggle for the initiative
111 How to defeat Karpov
116 A positional sacrifice
122 Continuation of a discussion
134 What is meant by high class
142 A storm on the chess board
151 Uneven play
159 The treatment of hanging pawns
163 From the opening into the endgame
172 Advanced technique
181 Exercises for analysis
182 Solutions to exercises
202 Index of exercises by thinking skills and types of positions to be solved
204 Index of players
Part eight
009 The opening
011 Opening disasters
015 How a player develops
021 Risk in a decisive game
027 Playing for mate
035 An unrealised dream
043 Dubious innovations
048 'Your own theory'
056 Duels in the Pirc-Ufimtsev Defence
062 The ball is in White's court
069 Opening subtleties
072 Exercises for analysis
Part nine
075 Games
076 Who is attacking whom?
086 The accumulation of small advantages
095 Dispute of equals
102 A desperate struggle for the initiative
111 How to defeat Karpov
116 A positional sacrifice
122 Continuation of a discussion
134 What is meant by high class
142 A storm on the chess board
151 Uneven play
159 The treatment of hanging pawns
163 From the opening into the endgame
172 Advanced technique
181 Exercises for analysis
182 Solutions to exercises
202 Index of exercises by thinking skills and types of positions to be solved
204 Index of players
Mark Dvoretsky zäumte den Gaul von hinten auf: Die 4-bändige Reihe School of Excellence eröffnet mit dem Endspiel, der zweite Band behandelt die Taktik und Band 3 die Strategie (s. RE 1/2004, S. 78) - erst der letzte Band beschäftigt sich mit der Eröffnung. Zuerst erschien die Reihe in Russisch, dann 2000 in Deutsch und 2003 in Englisch.
Das Buch ist zweigeteilt: Teil I stellt auf 74 Seiten Partien und Fragmente mit lockerem Bezug zu Eröffhungsfragen vor; die 11 Kapitel lauten zum Beispiel „Opening disasters", „An unrealistic dream" oder „Duels in the Pirc-Ufimtsev Defence". Im Teil II analysiert Dvoretsky 13 Partien intensiv. Dazwischen gestreut sind in beiden Teilen Partiefragmente und Stellungen, mit denen der Autor seinen Lehrstoff vertieft. Auch hier sind spezifische Eröffnungsfragen eher nachrangig, es geht um alle Aspekte einer Partie bis hin zu Endspiel-Finessen. Wie im Band 3 (Strategie) gelingt es Dvoretsky mit seinem schach-pädagogischen Geschick auch hier, aus seinen Lehrbeispielen allgemeine Schlüsse für das Schach des Leser abzuleiten. Solcherart Regeln und Merksätze sind im kursiven Fettdruck hervorgehoben. Auch seine geliebten Zwischenfragen an den Lernenden stellt er wieder („What should White play?"), dazu einige Aufgaben. Die „Questions" (Fragen) beantwortet der russische Trainer selber im laufenden Text, die 26 „Exercises" (Übungen) soll der Leser allein bearbeiten. Diese Aufgaben sind anspruchsvoll, immerhin ist das Spiel starker GM zu verstärken.
Die Lösungen zu den Aufgaben bespricht Dvoretsky ausführlich im Anhang. Dort gibt es noch eine interessante Besonderheit: einen Index zu allen Fragen und Übungen im Buch, aufgeschlüsselt nach 18 Themen, zum Beispiel „Candidate moves", „Positional sacrifices" oder „Prophylaxis". Daneben führt der Anhang ein Spieler-Verzeichnis.
Was es aber nicht gibt in diesem Buch über „Opening developments", ist ein simples Verzeichnis seiner Eröffnungen, namentlich oder wenigsten als ECO-Index; auch im Kopf zu den Partien gibt es keine Angaben. Ein anderer Schwachpunkt sind der Stand der Theorie und die Aktualität der Partien: Das meiste wurden vor 1990 gespielt, Bekanntes ist darunter, z. B. Lasker -Napier, 1904; Larsen - Karpow, 1972 oder Kasparow - Petrosjan, 1981. Daneben referiert Dvoretsky häufig eigene Partien und Material von seinen Schülern, vor allem von Dreev, Dolmatov und Jussupow.
Im Vorwort bekennt Mark Dvoretsky, dass Eröffnungstheorie ihn „nie fasziniert" habe, und dass er sich „do not feel particulary confident here". Entsprechend ist dieser Band 4 weniger ein Buch zur Eröffnung geworden, mehr ist es eine weitere von Dvoretskys bunt gemischten Sammlungen mit Traingsmaterial quer durch das meisterliche Turnierschach. Der unverbindliche Titel der deutschen Ausgabe ist daher treffender: „Theorie und Praxis der Schachpartie".
Dr. Erik Rausch, Rochade Europa 04/2004
Das Buch ist zweigeteilt: Teil I stellt auf 74 Seiten Partien und Fragmente mit lockerem Bezug zu Eröffhungsfragen vor; die 11 Kapitel lauten zum Beispiel „Opening disasters", „An unrealistic dream" oder „Duels in the Pirc-Ufimtsev Defence". Im Teil II analysiert Dvoretsky 13 Partien intensiv. Dazwischen gestreut sind in beiden Teilen Partiefragmente und Stellungen, mit denen der Autor seinen Lehrstoff vertieft. Auch hier sind spezifische Eröffnungsfragen eher nachrangig, es geht um alle Aspekte einer Partie bis hin zu Endspiel-Finessen. Wie im Band 3 (Strategie) gelingt es Dvoretsky mit seinem schach-pädagogischen Geschick auch hier, aus seinen Lehrbeispielen allgemeine Schlüsse für das Schach des Leser abzuleiten. Solcherart Regeln und Merksätze sind im kursiven Fettdruck hervorgehoben. Auch seine geliebten Zwischenfragen an den Lernenden stellt er wieder („What should White play?"), dazu einige Aufgaben. Die „Questions" (Fragen) beantwortet der russische Trainer selber im laufenden Text, die 26 „Exercises" (Übungen) soll der Leser allein bearbeiten. Diese Aufgaben sind anspruchsvoll, immerhin ist das Spiel starker GM zu verstärken.
Die Lösungen zu den Aufgaben bespricht Dvoretsky ausführlich im Anhang. Dort gibt es noch eine interessante Besonderheit: einen Index zu allen Fragen und Übungen im Buch, aufgeschlüsselt nach 18 Themen, zum Beispiel „Candidate moves", „Positional sacrifices" oder „Prophylaxis". Daneben führt der Anhang ein Spieler-Verzeichnis.
Was es aber nicht gibt in diesem Buch über „Opening developments", ist ein simples Verzeichnis seiner Eröffnungen, namentlich oder wenigsten als ECO-Index; auch im Kopf zu den Partien gibt es keine Angaben. Ein anderer Schwachpunkt sind der Stand der Theorie und die Aktualität der Partien: Das meiste wurden vor 1990 gespielt, Bekanntes ist darunter, z. B. Lasker -Napier, 1904; Larsen - Karpow, 1972 oder Kasparow - Petrosjan, 1981. Daneben referiert Dvoretsky häufig eigene Partien und Material von seinen Schülern, vor allem von Dreev, Dolmatov und Jussupow.
Im Vorwort bekennt Mark Dvoretsky, dass Eröffnungstheorie ihn „nie fasziniert" habe, und dass er sich „do not feel particulary confident here". Entsprechend ist dieser Band 4 weniger ein Buch zur Eröffnung geworden, mehr ist es eine weitere von Dvoretskys bunt gemischten Sammlungen mit Traingsmaterial quer durch das meisterliche Turnierschach. Der unverbindliche Titel der deutschen Ausgabe ist daher treffender: „Theorie und Praxis der Schachpartie".
Dr. Erik Rausch, Rochade Europa 04/2004
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