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The Modern Morra Gambit

334 pages, paperback, Russell Enterprises, 1. edition 2006

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Attack the Sicilian Defense aggressively with the Morra Gambit. Starting with 1 e4 c5 2 d4 cxd4 3 c3, it is well suited for players striving for tactical and uncompromising play, as White's better development often leads to a dangerous initiative. Furthermore, traditional Sicilian players may be taken by surprise and removed from their main-line repertoire.
If you take the time to study the Morra Gambit, you will achieve excellent practical results. The positions that arise are extremely difficult to play, especially if the defender is not familiar with them. One mistake by Black frequently means the end of the game.

Hannes Langrock has regularly played the Morra Gambit against the Sicilian Defense since 1999; with very good results. We have analyzed many lines toin our training sessions and he has incorporated our findings in his analyHe has also included many new ideas and analyzed them in depth. I draw your attention especially to 11.Nd5, instead of the old 11.Nd4, in the critical ...Nge7-system (see p. 110).
I am convinced that everyone in need of a weapon versus the dreaded Sicilian can consider taking up the Morra Gambit. Those who will obtain particular benefit from this work are:
1) Dedicated Morra players that will find plenty of original analysis to refresh their theoretical knowledge and find new inspiration for their own endeavors.
2) Young improving players who want to enhance their handling of the initiative and make their play more aggressive and dynamic. I suggest first reading the introduction carefully and playing through the main lines (printed in bold). Then after gaining some experience with the gambit, they should commence digging deeper using Langrock's extensive analysis.
3) Players of the 2.c3 Sicilian, who want a second surprise weapon, which is akin to their current repertoire.
4) Correspondence gambit players who need fresh ideas and quick access to the latest information.
5) And last but not least, Sicilian players in need of a method of meeting the Morra Gambit will find the analysis is very objective, which is not always the case in books on gambits. I guess that this is illustrative of my influence on the author after five years of training together.
In summary, the Morra Gambit is well-suited for players striving for tactical and uncompromising play, as White's better development often leads to a dangerous initiative. Furthermore, traditional Sicilian players may be taken by surprise and removed from their main line repertoire. I do not understand why so few players choose the Morra Gambit and I hope that this book increases its popularity and that you will enjoy it as much as I have.

GM Dr.Karsten Müller
Hamburg, August 2006
More Information
EAN 1888690321
Weight 450 g
Manufacturer Russell Enterprises
Width 15.1 cm
Height 22.8 cm
Medium Book
Year of Publication 2006
Author Hannes Langrock
Language English
Edition 1
ISBN-10 1888690321
Pages 334
Binding paperback
004 Foreword
005 Acknowledgements
005 Bibliography
006 Introduction
022 Chapter 1 The ...Qc7-System
061 Chapter 2 The...Bd7-System
080 Chapter 3 An Early ...d6 and ...Nf6
097 Chapter 4 The Classical Main Line
110 Chapter 5 The ...Nge7-System
158 Chapter 6 The Early Development of Black's Dark-Squared Bishop
183 Chapter 7 The Fianchetto Variation
201 Chapter 8 The Siberian Variation
219 Chapter 9 The Chicago Defense
246 Chapter 10 Sidelines
300 Chapter 11 The Morra Gambit Declined
325 Appendix A The Delayed Morra Gambit
327 Appendix B Solutions
329 Index of Variations
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