Article Number
Winning Chess Strategies
257 pages, paperback, Everyman, 2. edition 2005, original edition 1993, first edition 2003
·Gain the advantage over your opponent with easy-to-remember strategies from one of the world´s top chess players!
Strategy - it's the ultimate secret weapon for championship players from around the world. If you love chess but hate the idea of memorizing highly detailed sequences, this book is for you!
Drawing on his countless hours of tournament play and teaching experience, International Grand Master Yasser Seirawan shows you how to apply flexible strategic principles to every part of your game. You'll learn to play more forcefully and intelligently in any situation. And using Seirawan's simple and effective planning and analysis techniques, you'll enter each game with the confidence and energy you need to win every time!
Learn to:
The numerous diagrams throughout the book illustrate game positions, and a special section features actual games of history's greatest chess strategists - follow them move by move!
For ready reference during actual practice games, or for reading from start to finish without a chessboard, 'Winning Chess Strategies' is an imaginative and information-packed resource you'll turn to again and again.
Strategy - it's the ultimate secret weapon for championship players from around the world. If you love chess but hate the idea of memorizing highly detailed sequences, this book is for you!
Drawing on his countless hours of tournament play and teaching experience, International Grand Master Yasser Seirawan shows you how to apply flexible strategic principles to every part of your game. You'll learn to play more forcefully and intelligently in any situation. And using Seirawan's simple and effective planning and analysis techniques, you'll enter each game with the confidence and energy you need to win every time!
Learn to:
Knock your opponent off balance with bold opening moves
Formulate an overall game strategy before the middle game
Understand the motivation behind your opponent's every move
Position yourself for a winning endgame
·· · The numerous diagrams throughout the book illustrate game positions, and a special section features actual games of history's greatest chess strategists - follow them move by move!
For ready reference during actual practice games, or for reading from start to finish without a chessboard, 'Winning Chess Strategies' is an imaginative and information-packed resource you'll turn to again and again.
·Gain the advantage over your opponent with easy-to-remember strategies from one of the world´s top chess players!
Strategy - it's the ultimate secret weapon for championship players from around the world. If you love chess but hate the idea of memorizing highly detailed sequences, this book is for you!
Drawing on his countless hours of tournament play and teaching experience, International Grand Master Yasser Seirawan shows you how to apply flexible strategic principles to every part of your game. You'll learn to play more forcefully and intelligently in any situation. And using Seirawan's simple and effective planning and analysis techniques, you'll enter each game with the confidence and energy you need to win every time!
Learn to:
For ready reference during actual practice games, or for reading from start to finish without a chessboard, 'Winning Chess Strategies' is an imaginative and information-packed resource you'll turn to again and again.
Strategy - it's the ultimate secret weapon for championship players from around the world. If you love chess but hate the idea of memorizing highly detailed sequences, this book is for you!
Drawing on his countless hours of tournament play and teaching experience, International Grand Master Yasser Seirawan shows you how to apply flexible strategic principles to every part of your game. You'll learn to play more forcefully and intelligently in any situation. And using Seirawan's simple and effective planning and analysis techniques, you'll enter each game with the confidence and energy you need to win every time!
Learn to:
Knock your opponent off balance with bold opening moves
Formulate an overall game strategy before the middle game
Understand the motivation behind your opponent's every move
Position yourself for a winning endgame
·The numerous diagrams throughout the book illustrate game positions, and a special section features actual games of history's greatest chess strategists - follow them move by move!For ready reference during actual practice games, or for reading from start to finish without a chessboard, 'Winning Chess Strategies' is an imaginative and information-packed resource you'll turn to again and again.
EAN | 9781857443851 |
Weight | 550 g |
Manufacturer | Everyman |
Width | 18.7 cm |
Height | 23.2 cm |
Medium | Book |
Year of Publication | 2005 |
Author | Yasser SeirawanJeremy Silman |
Language | English |
Edition | 2 |
ISBN-10 | 1857443853 |
ISBN-13 | 9781857443851 |
Year of First Edition | 2003 |
Year of Original Version | 1993 |
Pages | 257 |
Binding | paperback |
Name | Everyman (former Cadogan) |
Adresse | 10 Northburgh Street London EC1V 0AT Großbritannien | |
005 Introduction
008 CHAPTER ONE The Importance of Strategy
014 CHAPTER TWO Making the Most of a Material Advantage
032 CHAPTER THREE Stopping Enemy Counterplay
044 CHAPTER FOUR Understanding Where the Pieces Go
090 CHAPTER FIVE Superior Minor Pieces
108 CHAPTER SIX How to Use Pawns
137 CHAPTER SEVEN The Creation of Targets
159 CHAPTER EIGHT Territorial Domination
176 CHAPTER NINE Attacking the King
194 CHAPTER TEN Faulty Strategies
208 CHAPTER ELEVEN The Great Masters of Strategy
232 CHAPTER TWELVE Solutions to Problems
241 Glossary
250 Index
008 CHAPTER ONE The Importance of Strategy
014 CHAPTER TWO Making the Most of a Material Advantage
032 CHAPTER THREE Stopping Enemy Counterplay
044 CHAPTER FOUR Understanding Where the Pieces Go
090 CHAPTER FIVE Superior Minor Pieces
108 CHAPTER SIX How to Use Pawns
137 CHAPTER SEVEN The Creation of Targets
159 CHAPTER EIGHT Territorial Domination
176 CHAPTER NINE Attacking the King
194 CHAPTER TEN Faulty Strategies
208 CHAPTER ELEVEN The Great Masters of Strategy
232 CHAPTER TWELVE Solutions to Problems
241 Glossary
250 Index
In den 90er-Jahren schrieb der US-Großmeister Yasser Seirawan für MiPress eine mehrbändige Schachreihe, bei einigen Kapiteln unützt von IM Jeremy Silman. Späübernahm Cadogan/Everyman Chess die Buchrechte, nun kam eine überarbeitete Auflage in den Handel. Im ungewöhnlichen Breitformat bieten die Autoren einen kompletten Schachan: Der erste Band wendet sich an den Anfänger (Play Winning Chess; s. RE 7/2003, S. 69), danach soll der Schachschüler Taktik lernen (Winning Chess Tactics; s. RE 5/2003, S. 63), jetzt geht es um Strategie. Im ersten Buch preist Seirawan Schach als Kunst, im zweiten als Sport, nun wird das Spiel zur Wissenschaft.
Band 3 lehrt wichtige Prinzipien der Schachstrategie; die 11 Kapitelnamen umschreiben gut, was die Autoren dem Leser beibringen wollen: 1. The Importance of Strategy
2. Making the Most of a Material Advantage
3. Stopping Enemy Counterplay
4. Understanding Where the Pieces Go
5. Superior Minor Pieces
6. How to Use Pawns
7. The Creation of Targets
8. Territorial Domination
9. Attacking the King
10. Faulty Strategies
11. The Great Masters of Strategy
GM Yasser Seirawan charakterisiert sich im Vorwort als Schachprofi, der seinen Lebensunterhalt vor allem seistrategischen Fähigkeiten verDas Positionsspiel ist seine Leidenschaft, entsprechend kenntnisund engagiert geht er im Buch ans Werk. Seirawan beginnt alle Lekim flachen Wasser, mit elemenHinweisen, die auch schwache Spieler leicht verstehen - dann gewinnt er schnell Tiefe. Um verstanden zu werden, greift er schon mal zu derben didaktischen Hilfen: Macht und Ohnder Läufer zeigt Seirawan zuerst am Endspiel mit weißfeldrigem Läufer und Randbauer h6 gegen den blanken schwarzen König, Wegen des „falLäufers ist das Endspiel remis. Dann erhöht er für Weiß auf 8(!) Läualle weißfeldrig: der sK hält weiremis. Zum Gewinn reichte Weiß schon ein zweiter Läufer, wäre der nur schwarzfeldrig! Dann schmunzelt SeiNun sollte wirklich jeder Leser begriffen haben, warum die Felderfarbeim Läufer so wichtig ist. Die Eider Leicht- und Schwerfiguund des Königs, und wie sie optigenutzt werden, erklären die Autoim Kapitel 4 (Understanding Whethe Pieces Go) auf 46 Seiten. Kapitel 6 behandelt das Spiel mit den Bauern (How to use Pawns; 29 S.). (...)
Weitere Themen im 6. Kapitel sind Bauernvorstöße, Bauernopfer zum Öffnen von Linien und Diagonalen und das Schaffen und Vorantreiben von Freibauern. Auch die Nachteile von Bauernvorstößen werden besproder Umgang mit B-Mehrheiten im Mittel- und Endspiel und der Ummit B-Inseln. Dazwischen gesind fünf Testaufgaben. Einen „mysteriösen" h5-Zug setzt der Autor dem Leser auch im Kapitel 3 vor (Stopping Enemy Counterplay), diesmal gespielt von Fischer. Im Grungeht es um Nimzowitschs Prophy(Vorbeugung), das sei eine chroniSchwäche im Spiel der Amateure. Auch Bobby Fischer zog (20.)..h5, trotz König in der Mitte und Damen auf dem Brett (Matulovic - Fischer, Vinkovci 1968). Mit solchen strateanspruchsvollen Zügen konfronSeirawan bewusst schon fortgeAnfänger. Dabei erklärt das Autorenduo klar und auch unterhaltwas warum gezogen wurde. Bei allen Themen steht die Turnierpraxis im Vordergrund.
Das strategische Basiswissen wird anleicht verdaulicher Stellungen vermittelt, gewürzt mit Tipps, und Merksätzen wie diesem: If You have a permanent advantage, take the time to stop any potential enemy counterplay! Solche Weisheiten findet der Leser laufend im Buch - didaktisch geschickt platziert am Ende eines Lehrbeispiels oder eines Unterkapitels. Auch die 26 Tests (Diagramme mit strategischen Fragen) sind gut gewählt. Ihre Lösunwerden im Anhang auf 9 Seiten erärt (vereinzelt fand ich mit PC-Unützung Verbesserungen oder Wizu den Varianten). Im Ka11 werden „große Schachstrateauf 24 Seiten vorgestellt: Steinitz, Rubinstein, Capablanca, Nimzowitsch, Petrosjan und Karpow; jeder bekam eikommentierte Partie. Andere Große fehlen, z.B. Lasker, Aljechin, Botwinnik, Fischer und Kasparow. Der um15-seitige Anhang enthält ein Glossar (kleines Schachlexikon) und ein sehr ausführliches Stichwort
Figurine Notation würde das Lesen für Fremdsprachler erleichtem. Die Lehrsollten ein paar Diagramme mehr enthalten, und die Merksätze sollten fett hervorgehoben werden. Obwohl der Einband verspricht, das Buch sei fully revised and Updated, gibt es weiterhin Druck- und Sinnfehler (z.B. Test 2; Dgr. 16, 57; Text S. 221). Auch beim Nachspielen der Varianten stößt der kritische Leser immer wieder auf Unklarheiten und Fehler, wenn es konkret wird. GM John Nunn nennt diese Macke „Kommentieren auf ErDie Züge des Gewinners wergewürdigt, die oft schwächliche Verteidigung wird unkommentiert übergangen. Das Phänomen ist weit verbreitet, leider auch in Neuauch in diesem Buch. (...)
Seirawan behandelt die wichtigsten Themen, ich vermisse aber eine Anleizur systematischen Stellungs- genießt Mitautor IM Sildoch fast Kultstatus auf dem Ge(vgl. seine Bestseller The Ama's Mind und How to Reassess Your Chess).
Vom Einfachen zum Komplexen, verständlich und unterhaltsam geman spürt Seirawans Befür das Thema. Dazwigibt es Tipps, Merksätze und Tests. Eine gute Einführung in die Schachstrategie.
Erik Rausch, Rochade Europa 9/2005
Mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Zeitschrift "Rochade Europa"
Band 3 lehrt wichtige Prinzipien der Schachstrategie; die 11 Kapitelnamen umschreiben gut, was die Autoren dem Leser beibringen wollen: 1. The Importance of Strategy
2. Making the Most of a Material Advantage
3. Stopping Enemy Counterplay
4. Understanding Where the Pieces Go
5. Superior Minor Pieces
6. How to Use Pawns
7. The Creation of Targets
8. Territorial Domination
9. Attacking the King
10. Faulty Strategies
11. The Great Masters of Strategy
GM Yasser Seirawan charakterisiert sich im Vorwort als Schachprofi, der seinen Lebensunterhalt vor allem seistrategischen Fähigkeiten verDas Positionsspiel ist seine Leidenschaft, entsprechend kenntnisund engagiert geht er im Buch ans Werk. Seirawan beginnt alle Lekim flachen Wasser, mit elemenHinweisen, die auch schwache Spieler leicht verstehen - dann gewinnt er schnell Tiefe. Um verstanden zu werden, greift er schon mal zu derben didaktischen Hilfen: Macht und Ohnder Läufer zeigt Seirawan zuerst am Endspiel mit weißfeldrigem Läufer und Randbauer h6 gegen den blanken schwarzen König, Wegen des „falLäufers ist das Endspiel remis. Dann erhöht er für Weiß auf 8(!) Läualle weißfeldrig: der sK hält weiremis. Zum Gewinn reichte Weiß schon ein zweiter Läufer, wäre der nur schwarzfeldrig! Dann schmunzelt SeiNun sollte wirklich jeder Leser begriffen haben, warum die Felderfarbeim Läufer so wichtig ist. Die Eider Leicht- und Schwerfiguund des Königs, und wie sie optigenutzt werden, erklären die Autoim Kapitel 4 (Understanding Whethe Pieces Go) auf 46 Seiten. Kapitel 6 behandelt das Spiel mit den Bauern (How to use Pawns; 29 S.). (...)
Weitere Themen im 6. Kapitel sind Bauernvorstöße, Bauernopfer zum Öffnen von Linien und Diagonalen und das Schaffen und Vorantreiben von Freibauern. Auch die Nachteile von Bauernvorstößen werden besproder Umgang mit B-Mehrheiten im Mittel- und Endspiel und der Ummit B-Inseln. Dazwischen gesind fünf Testaufgaben. Einen „mysteriösen" h5-Zug setzt der Autor dem Leser auch im Kapitel 3 vor (Stopping Enemy Counterplay), diesmal gespielt von Fischer. Im Grungeht es um Nimzowitschs Prophy(Vorbeugung), das sei eine chroniSchwäche im Spiel der Amateure. Auch Bobby Fischer zog (20.)..h5, trotz König in der Mitte und Damen auf dem Brett (Matulovic - Fischer, Vinkovci 1968). Mit solchen strateanspruchsvollen Zügen konfronSeirawan bewusst schon fortgeAnfänger. Dabei erklärt das Autorenduo klar und auch unterhaltwas warum gezogen wurde. Bei allen Themen steht die Turnierpraxis im Vordergrund.
Das strategische Basiswissen wird anleicht verdaulicher Stellungen vermittelt, gewürzt mit Tipps, und Merksätzen wie diesem: If You have a permanent advantage, take the time to stop any potential enemy counterplay! Solche Weisheiten findet der Leser laufend im Buch - didaktisch geschickt platziert am Ende eines Lehrbeispiels oder eines Unterkapitels. Auch die 26 Tests (Diagramme mit strategischen Fragen) sind gut gewählt. Ihre Lösunwerden im Anhang auf 9 Seiten erärt (vereinzelt fand ich mit PC-Unützung Verbesserungen oder Wizu den Varianten). Im Ka11 werden „große Schachstrateauf 24 Seiten vorgestellt: Steinitz, Rubinstein, Capablanca, Nimzowitsch, Petrosjan und Karpow; jeder bekam eikommentierte Partie. Andere Große fehlen, z.B. Lasker, Aljechin, Botwinnik, Fischer und Kasparow. Der um15-seitige Anhang enthält ein Glossar (kleines Schachlexikon) und ein sehr ausführliches Stichwort
Figurine Notation würde das Lesen für Fremdsprachler erleichtem. Die Lehrsollten ein paar Diagramme mehr enthalten, und die Merksätze sollten fett hervorgehoben werden. Obwohl der Einband verspricht, das Buch sei fully revised and Updated, gibt es weiterhin Druck- und Sinnfehler (z.B. Test 2; Dgr. 16, 57; Text S. 221). Auch beim Nachspielen der Varianten stößt der kritische Leser immer wieder auf Unklarheiten und Fehler, wenn es konkret wird. GM John Nunn nennt diese Macke „Kommentieren auf ErDie Züge des Gewinners wergewürdigt, die oft schwächliche Verteidigung wird unkommentiert übergangen. Das Phänomen ist weit verbreitet, leider auch in Neuauch in diesem Buch. (...)
Seirawan behandelt die wichtigsten Themen, ich vermisse aber eine Anleizur systematischen Stellungs- genießt Mitautor IM Sildoch fast Kultstatus auf dem Ge(vgl. seine Bestseller The Ama's Mind und How to Reassess Your Chess).
Vom Einfachen zum Komplexen, verständlich und unterhaltsam geman spürt Seirawans Befür das Thema. Dazwigibt es Tipps, Merksätze und Tests. Eine gute Einführung in die Schachstrategie.
Erik Rausch, Rochade Europa 9/2005
Mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Zeitschrift "Rochade Europa"
I have now written three books about "winning chess." All the rules and basic information were covered in my first book, Play Winning Chess; tactical themes were explored in my second book, Winning Chess Tactics; and now, in Winning Chess Strategies, I take you on a journey to a whole different level of chess understanding. On this level, you no longer spend entire games reacting to your opponent; instead, you are proactive. You think through a position, set a goal, and methodically find ways to reach it.
Hundreds of thousands of books have been written about chess. What can you hope to learn from this one? With all modesty, a lot. The aim of this book is simple: to make you think about chess in a different way. In my two previous books, I showed you chess as an art and a sport. In this book, I show you chess as a science. My goal in this book is to make you realize that behind the pushing of little wooden men around a checkered board lies a lot of thought. Some of the ideas that make up the science of chess have been used for centuries -millennia, in fact. They have been researched, recreated, and refined to suit our purposes and are used by today's Grandmasters to reach the perennial goal: to win that next game of chess.
To be able to understand the techniques I teach in the next eleven chapters, you should already know the following:
You must know the rules of the game -how the pieces move, how to castle, what enpassant is, and so on. (You'll find all these rules explained in Play Winning Chess.)
You must know the relative values of the pieces.
You should be familiar with basic chess terminology. For those of you who don't know luft from a fork and counterplay from a blockade, I have added a glossary at the end of this book. If you come across a word or phrase you don't know, look it up in the glossary before continuing on; otherwise, you might miss a crucial bit of information in the explanation of a strategy or description of a game.
You must be able to read algebraic chess notation. If you can't, the sample games will appear to be nothing but gibberish! (Algebraic chess notation is explained briefly in the glossary and more completely in P.lay Winning Chess.)
Though not absolutely necessary, you will find it useful to know the four elements of chess-force (material), time, space, and pawn structure -and their associated principles, as described in Play Winning Chess.
With these humble building blocks, I will teach you how to understand what is happening in any given chess position and how to formulate a plan for success based on the clues you can find in the position. By focusing on the positional features rather than the tactical features of the game, you will learn to build your strategy slowly and confidently, secure in the knowledge that the fundamental principles you are following can't lead you astray.
But isn't positional chess boring? Isn't it more exciting to sacrifice a few pieces and hack your enemy's King to death? Yes, a sacrificial attack is enormous fun, but just as a skilled counter-punching boxer can eventually knock out a pure slugger, a skilled positional chess player can usually take the force out of an attack and grind his opponent into the dust. You will learn that haymaker blows must come from positionally superior situations, which means that even the finest attackers in history have had to master planning and strategy. Few amateur players work at developing their strategic skills, so the fact that you are reading this book should give you an enormous advantage over your competition. Imagine your opponents' positions falling apart again and again, and imagine their frustration when they can't figure out why they keep losing to you! As a player who earns his living on the strength of his strategic skills, I can attest to the fact that it's no fun being squeezed to death by a positionally savvy opponent. But it's oh-so satisfying to be the one who is doing the squeezing!
As in my previous books, I refer to all chess players as he. Boys and men continue to make up the vast majority of the chess playing public, though there are some encouraging indications that girls are becoming more interested in the sport. (For instance, a few girls now enroll in my chess camp for children in Wisconsin each summer.) Hopefully, some of them will read this book, and some of them will go on to tournament competition armed with the strategic skills they will learn here. Watch out men! They will be formidable opponents!
Yasser Seirawan Seattle, Washington, introduction
Hundreds of thousands of books have been written about chess. What can you hope to learn from this one? With all modesty, a lot. The aim of this book is simple: to make you think about chess in a different way. In my two previous books, I showed you chess as an art and a sport. In this book, I show you chess as a science. My goal in this book is to make you realize that behind the pushing of little wooden men around a checkered board lies a lot of thought. Some of the ideas that make up the science of chess have been used for centuries -millennia, in fact. They have been researched, recreated, and refined to suit our purposes and are used by today's Grandmasters to reach the perennial goal: to win that next game of chess.
To be able to understand the techniques I teach in the next eleven chapters, you should already know the following:
You must know the rules of the game -how the pieces move, how to castle, what enpassant is, and so on. (You'll find all these rules explained in Play Winning Chess.)
You must know the relative values of the pieces.
You should be familiar with basic chess terminology. For those of you who don't know luft from a fork and counterplay from a blockade, I have added a glossary at the end of this book. If you come across a word or phrase you don't know, look it up in the glossary before continuing on; otherwise, you might miss a crucial bit of information in the explanation of a strategy or description of a game.
You must be able to read algebraic chess notation. If you can't, the sample games will appear to be nothing but gibberish! (Algebraic chess notation is explained briefly in the glossary and more completely in P.lay Winning Chess.)
Though not absolutely necessary, you will find it useful to know the four elements of chess-force (material), time, space, and pawn structure -and their associated principles, as described in Play Winning Chess.
With these humble building blocks, I will teach you how to understand what is happening in any given chess position and how to formulate a plan for success based on the clues you can find in the position. By focusing on the positional features rather than the tactical features of the game, you will learn to build your strategy slowly and confidently, secure in the knowledge that the fundamental principles you are following can't lead you astray.
But isn't positional chess boring? Isn't it more exciting to sacrifice a few pieces and hack your enemy's King to death? Yes, a sacrificial attack is enormous fun, but just as a skilled counter-punching boxer can eventually knock out a pure slugger, a skilled positional chess player can usually take the force out of an attack and grind his opponent into the dust. You will learn that haymaker blows must come from positionally superior situations, which means that even the finest attackers in history have had to master planning and strategy. Few amateur players work at developing their strategic skills, so the fact that you are reading this book should give you an enormous advantage over your competition. Imagine your opponents' positions falling apart again and again, and imagine their frustration when they can't figure out why they keep losing to you! As a player who earns his living on the strength of his strategic skills, I can attest to the fact that it's no fun being squeezed to death by a positionally savvy opponent. But it's oh-so satisfying to be the one who is doing the squeezing!
As in my previous books, I refer to all chess players as he. Boys and men continue to make up the vast majority of the chess playing public, though there are some encouraging indications that girls are becoming more interested in the sport. (For instance, a few girls now enroll in my chess camp for children in Wisconsin each summer.) Hopefully, some of them will read this book, and some of them will go on to tournament competition armed with the strategic skills they will learn here. Watch out men! They will be formidable opponents!
Yasser Seirawan Seattle, Washington, introduction
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