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The Sicilian Defence in the Nineties

New in Chess, 1999

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Najdorf, Sveshnikov, Dragon, Grand Prix, Alapin; name it. This CD-Rom offers a complete reference guide for all Sicilian main lines as well as off-beat variations. A total of 85.000 games (4000+ annotated).
Included are all NIC Surveys on the Sicilian previously published in NIC Yearbook.
This CD-ROM contains: Over 85,000 Games, More than 4000 Games with comments, Over 200 Database Surveys
·Scheveningen - Rauzer - Dragon - Najdorf
This CD offers an up-to-date reference guide for these Sicilian favourites including many games annotated by great experts like Kasparov, Anand, Kramnik, Shirov, Timman and Sosonko
·Grand Prix - Rossolimo - Kalashnikov - Alapin
At the same time these off-beat variations that contain no less venom are presented with countless games by top players like Short, Gelfand, Sveshnikov and Morozevich.
·Database Surveys
All database surveys on the Sicilian that were ever published in the New in Chess Yearbooks have been included on this CD-ROM. In these surveys opening experts explain the basic ideas and finesses of a variation.
·Print Option
With the print option you can print any game - with or without annotations - for further study at the chess board for your personal archives.
As a bonus the CD-ROM contains more than 250 illustrations of well-known or lesser known players.
·The Chess Computer Connection
Use your chess program (Rebel or Fritz) to get an instant second opinion on any position from the game you are looking at.
System requirements:
386 processor or higher
CD-ROM drive
MS windows 3.0 or later
Najdorf, Sveshnikov, Dragon, Grand Prix, Alapin; name it. This CD-Rom offers a complete reference guide for all Sicilian main lines as well as off-beat variations. A total of 85.000 games (4000+ annotated).
Included are all NIC Surveys on the Sicilian previously published in NIC Yearbook.
This CD-ROM contains: Over 85,000 Games, More than 4000 Games with comments, Over 200 Database Surveys
·Scheveningen - Rauzer - Dragon - Najdorf
This CD offers an up-to-date reference guide for these Sicilian favourites including many games annotated by great experts like Kasparov, Anand, Kramnik, Shirov, Timman and Sosonko
·Grand Prix - Rossolimo - Kalashnikov - Alapin
At the same time these off-beat variations that contain no less venom are presented with countless games by top players like Short, Gelfand, Sveshnikov and Morozevich.
·Database Surveys
All database surveys on the Sicilian that were ever published in the New in Chess Yearbooks have been included on this CD-ROM. In these surveys opening experts explain the basic ideas and finesses of a variation.
·Print Option
With the print option you can print any game - with or without annotations - for further study at the chess board for your personal archives.
As a bonus the CD-ROM contains more than 250 illustrations of well-known or lesser known players.
·The Chess Computer Connection
Use your chess program (Rebel or Fritz) to get an instant second opinion on any position from the game you are looking at.
System requirements:
386 processor or higher
CD-ROM drive
MS windows 3.0 or later
More Information
Manufacturer New in Chess
Medium CD PC
Year of Publication 1999
Author René Olthof
Language English, Figurine
In summary, this CD is a superb tool either to update yur existing Sicilian knowledge or to begin understanding this opening which remains the most popular around today.
Chess Magazine

In fact, any player could use these disc to learn any opening from scratch in a very deep way, or to greatly increase their familiarity with an opening they use from time to time, but need to know more about.
John Watson, The Week in Chess

Mit dieser CD bietet New in Chess einen interessanten Rückblick auf die Entwicklungen in der Sizilianischen Verteidigung im letzten Jahrzehnt. Die Oberfläche bildet der von anderen NIC-Publikationen bekannte Key-Viewer.
Nach einer Einführung über den Aufbau und die Bedienung der CD gibt es unter "Sicilian" eine Übersicht der einzelnen Abspiele der sizilianischen Verteidigung, zu denen man jeweils eine kurze Zusammenfassung der Trends aufrufen kann.
Außerdem gibt es hier noch Verweise zu wichtigen Partien, die per Mausklick geöffnet werden. Nach diesem ersten Überblick finden Sie unter Database die stattliche Zahl von über 85.000 Partien, auf die Sie über unzählige Eröffnungsschlüssel direkt zugreifen können.
Außerdem steht eine Suchfunktion nach verschiedenen Partiedaten zur Verfügung.
Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt sind die sogenannten Surveys. Diese Übersichten zu speziellen Themen erscheinen in den Yearbooks und bieten ebenfalls eine Fülle von Informationen zu den Entwicklungen in einzelnen Varianten.
Auf der CD sind alle bisher erschienenen Surveys über die sizilianische Eröffnung enthalten, insgesamt sind das über 200. Unter Experts kann man sich auch noch kurze Portraits vieler Spieler anschauen, die sich im Sizilianer einen Namen gemacht haben.
Da die meisten Texte und auch die Partiekommentare der über 4000 kommentierten Partien in English verfasst sind, sollten zumindest Grundkenntnisse dieser Sprache vorhanden sein, um diesen Rückblick auf ereignisreiche Jahre in dieser populären Eröffnung genießen zu können.

Schach-Markt 2/2000
In summary, this CD is a superb tool either to update yur existing Sicilian knowledge or to begin understanding this opening which remains the most popular around today.
Chess Magazine

In fact, any player could use these disc to learn any opening from scratch in a very deep way, or to greatly increase their familiarity with an opening they use from time to time, but need to know more about.
John Watson, The Week in Chess
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