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Modern Sicilian - Properly Played

328 pages, paperback, Beyer, 1. edition 2020

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Englische Übersetzung des 2014 erschienenen Titels "Modernes Sizilianisch - richtig gespielt"


The Sicilian Defense, which is suitable for players of all levels, has long been the most played opening against 1.e2-e4 and its popularity continues to grow. The reason is that sharp and complicated positions arise, which offer black excellent dynamic counter play.

In the first part, the author treats all possible deviations before reaching the basic position with 1.e5 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 etc. ­- such as the Closed Sicilian, the Morra Gambit, the Alapin Variation, the Grand-Prix Attack, the continuation 3.Bb5+ etc.

Since it is impossible to accommodate all systems with their extensive and widely ramified lines in a single book, it is limited to one of the most popular systems - the Najdorf Variation, which leads to an uncompromising fight with good black counter chances.

The renowned chess author Jerzy Konikowski, a FIDE master and a seasoned player, sheds light on the secrets of the Sicilian Defense. In 18 theoretical chapters and a practical section with 74 fully commented games, he explains the strategic principles and tactical subtlelties. Based on the material offered, the reader can compile a complete personal repertoire against 1.e2-e4.

More Information
Weight 530 g
Manufacturer Beyer
Width 14.8 cm
Height 21 cm
Medium Book
Year of Publication 2020
Author Jerzy Konikowski
Language English
Edition 1
ISBN-13 978-3-95920-986-1
Pages 328
Binding paperback
Hersteller Informationen
Name Joachim Beyer Verlag e. K.
Adresse Zur Wallfahrtskirche 5
Eltmann 97483

009 Explanation of Symbols

010 Preface

012 Introduction

036 Chapter 1: The Closed Sicilian

044 Chapter 2: The Alapin Variation

053 Chapter 3: The Smith-Morra Gambit

061 Chapter 4: The Grand Prix Attack

068 Chapter 5: The continuation 3.Bb5+

075 Chapter 6: The English Attack with 6.f3

080 Chapter 7: The English Attack with 6.Be3

112 Chapter 8: The continuation 6.f4

116 Chapter 9: The continuation 6.g3

120 Chapter 10: The continuation 6.Be2

130 Chapter 11: The continuation 6.Bc4

139 Chapter 12: The Poisoned Pawn Variation 7...Qb6

149 Chapter 13: The Polugaevsky Variation 7...b5

156 Chapter 14: The continuation 7...Qc7

163 Chapter 15: The continuation 7...Nbd7

184 Chapter 16: The continuation 7...Nc6

199 Chapter 17: The continuation 8...h6

209 Chapter 18: The continuation 13.f5

221 Chapter 19: Example Games

327 Index of Sources

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