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Fighting Chess with Black

544 pages, paperback, Everyman, 1. edition 2018

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Two great books for players who play the Sicilian Defence and King’s Indian Defence in one volume.
Fighting the anti-King’s Indian by Yelena Dembo
Fighting the anti-Sicilians by Richard Palliser
'I love playing the King's Indian, but no-one ever allows me to reach my favourite opening!' Does this sound like an all too familiar complaint?
You will reach your favourite opening in barely half the games you play against 1 d4, and that's why this book is the ideal guide to play against those annoying White systems designed to avoid the main lines: the Trompowsky; the London System; the Torre Attack; the Barry Attack; the Colle System; the Veresov; the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit - the list goes on and on!
Yelena Dembo, who as a hardened King's Indian and Grünfeld player has considerable experience facing these irritating openings, deals with them in no uncertain terms, in each case offering Black a no-nonsense solution that enables you to face the future with confidence
The Sicilian Defence is by far Black's most popular answer to 1 e4 at all levels of chess. The reason for this is easy to understand: from the very first move Black unbalances the position and can play for a win without needing to take unjustified risks. This is particularly the case with the Open Sicilian, where Black can take comfort from the knowledge that his superior pawn structure ensures control of the centre and excellent long-term chances.
Richard Palliser, a lifelong Sicilian devotee, decides it's time for Black players to finally fight back! Drawing upon his vast experience and understanding of Anti-Sicilians, Palliser creates a dynamic and practical repertoire for Sicilian players to use against these possibilities. In many instances he offers more than one solution for Black - ambitious or solid - and he pays special attention to tricky move orders, weapons that present-day players are likely to use.
More Information
EAN 9781781944615
Weight 645 g
Manufacturer Everyman
Width 15.2 cm
Height 22.8 cm
Medium Book
Year of Publication 2018
Author Yelena DemboRichard Palliser
Language English
Edition 1
ISBN-13 9781781944615
Pages 544
Binding paperback
Hersteller Informationen
Name Everyman (former Cadogan)
Adresse 10 Northburgh Street
London EC1V 0AT
Fighting the anti-King's Indians:

004 Bibliography
005 Preface
007 1 The Trompowsky
045 2 The Veresov
065 3 The Barry Attack
084 4 The London System
096 5 The Torre Attack
122 6 The Colle System
131 7 A Kingside Fianchetto vs. the King's Indian
153 8 A Kingside Fianchetto vs. the Grünfeld
161 9 The Blackmar-Diemer Gambit
167 10 Various Second Moves
178 11 Fianchettoing against the English
184 12 The English King's Indian
203 Index of Variations

Fighting the anti-Sicilians:

005 Bibliography
007 Preface
009 The 2 c3 Sicilian
066 Move Order Issues After 2.Nc3
084 The Closed Sicilian
127 The Grand Prix Attack
166 Other Approaches after 2.Nc3
181 Kingside Fianchettos: 2.d3 and 2.g3
189 The Queenside Fianchetto: 2.b3
201 Gambits
239 Miscellaneous
252 Index of Variations
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